Fire on Fire

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"She smiled then, her cheeks red, her cheeks scattered with some kind of dust. It was a smile he thought he might die to earn again."

After last night I stayed at Emily's, going home wasn't an option knowing the wolf would be just outside my window, and I'd want to let him in

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After last night I stayed at Emily's, going home wasn't an option knowing the wolf would be just outside my window, and I'd want to let him in. She didn't question it when I walked in and hugged her, her and Sam know by now. I woke up around 6:30, setting an alarm to have time to get home and get ready, I smell breakfast. I walk into the kitchen to see plates of bacon, eggs, and biscuits.

"Eat some breakfast with us before you head off to school?" Emily asked.

"I probably should go home and get ready." I say.

"Nonsense sit down, Sam will be down in a minute and a couple of the boys will be too." She says, I look to her, wondering why she wanted me to stay so badly. Then I realize, she feels sorry for me, I don't have anyone to eat breakfast with anymore, I barely cook breakfast when I wake up, so this meal is something different.

"Emily, you don't have to do this for me you know? I am fine when I'm alone at home, I know you think different but I'm getting used to it I really am."

"Being alone is something you should never get used too, I want you to know that you always have a place at the table with us. No matter what." She says, tears brimming her eyes.

Jace and Paul walk into the room, seeing our serious faces, Jace sits down beside me, and Paul takes a seat across. "It's only 7 in the morning and you already got someone crying Effie." Paul says with a mouth full of food.

I roll my eyes before using some powers to throw his water in his face. He groaned on about how unfair it was, I got all the cool powers. Sam walks down nodding at all of us and then kissing Em, and taking a seat beside her.

I look to Paul, "I fixed your truck yesterday by the way, a thank you will be in order." I say.

"Yeah Jake told me he couldn't figure it out, and you somehow did. He also told me something about you breaking his heart into a million pieces, I don't really have the specifics but, him in there on the couch says something happened." He says trying to get an emotion out of me. I didn't know Jacob was here, Is he asleep?

"Shut the hell up Pauldine." Jace said.

"I wouldn't know what your talking about Paul, I am simply an angel and anyone who gets their feelings by me, well, simply deserves it." I say with a grin, Emily chuckles.

At that moment, I hear the back door slam shut, that's got to be him. I act like it didn't give me any reaction, but the looks from Em say otherwise.

I check the time telling everyone I got to go, before Jace offers to give me a ride home.

Emily's POV:

I cook breakfast for all of the pack on this morning specifically because I got Beth here with me. I want her to know the feeling of family breakfast, she hasn't had a good one since her grandpa. When she came in last night I knew something was up. I knew it was Jacob when later that night he showed up to check on her.

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