Fixing The Broken and Bella Swan

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"Maybe that's worse, not letting ourselves be loved. Because we're too afraid of giving ourselves to someone we might lose."

I wake up to Copper licking my face, I forget where I am but by the looks of it it's a couch

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I wake up to Copper licking my face, I forget where I am but by the looks of it it's a couch. It's Emily's couch and Copper is here with me. I think back to all that happened last night, I finally went to the couch after Emily held me crying for I don't know how long.

I raise up and walk into the bathroom knowing my face is probably covered in makeup. I use cold water to wash it off, and I take a look at myself. I take in my face, the glow I had lost, it's back and I think I know why. Being back with them, being around him it's brightened me up, in a weird, supernatural way.

I walk back into the living room to look over at the other sofa to see Jacob. He's asleep, did he stay there all night? I walk over to him and poke his shoulder, he doesn't budge, I sigh before taking all the water I can draw from around me before splashing it in his face.

I laugh at his alert expression, he wipes at his face before looking at me, an innocent expression taking over his face. "Was that you?" He asked.

"Yeah, it was, I'm going home and thought you'd want woke up, no one else is here." He nods, getting up.

"They probably are at the beach, I was told to bring you when you woke up." I roll my eyes.

"I have to go home and shower so don't wait up." I say before walking out with Copper.

I am walking down the road when Jacob pulls up beside me in his truck, "Get in it'll be quicker."

"In what world will it be worth being stuck in a vehicle with you?"

He grins at that, "In your dreams baby I would think."

That bothered me so I kept walking, "Okay I'm sorry for the comment, just get in already."

I sigh, before getting in the passenger seat sitting as far as I can away from him, Copper of course betrays me and goes over to his lap.

I pick up the phone to call Sarah first to make sure she's okay and then Ty, he sounds tired as he answers.

"I'm fine but where did they take you? I tried to call your phone all night." He asked.

"Just to my friends house I was...alright with them."

"I thought you said you didn't know them, why would they come help like that?" I watch Jacob stiffen as he says this.

"I do know them, it's just complicated but I'm going to let you go Ty." I say trying to get out of the conversation with Jacob right beside me.

"I'm really sorry Effie, I never should have drove with you, you know? I am an idiot sometimes."

"You got that right." Jacob says, he must hear the conversation. I reach over and punch him in the arm.

"It's okay we'll talk later okay?" I hang up after that.

I look to Jacob, "Don't listen in on my conversations asshole."

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