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"You don't ask people with knives in their stomachs what would make them happy; happiness is no longer the point. It's all about survival; it's all about whether you pull the knife out and bleed to death or keep it in."

It was today, where the fight happened, where death happened, where risks were taken to protect those you love

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It was today, where the fight happened, where death happened, where risks were taken to protect those you love.

It was early that morning, we were supposed to meet on the mountain in just a couple hours. I first though had to meet Drew, to set my plan in motion.

I walked out of the shower, walking in to my closet to pick out something I would be able to fight in. Once dressed in dark apparel, I walk out to Jacob sitting on my vanity mirror. He just got back with meeting with Sam I assume.

He watched meticulously, eyes following me every step across the room. I make sure I have everything I need when I spot my camera across the room, I go to grab it. Turning around to Jacob.

"One last picture?" I asked moving towards him. He frowns as I move onto his lap.

"Don't say that." He didn't find it humorous. I roll my eyes moving his face towards mine, laying my hand on his cheek as I smile holding the camera far out. After it I set it down on the vanity, turning completely in Jacob's lap.

He nuzzles his head into my face, I let him hold me there for a while. If I could glue his body to mine, never separating ever I would. But we had to let go today, of the reality of us making it out of this undamaged.

A call on my phone took us apart, it was Drew. I don't answer, but I knew what it was. He was asking if I was ready to go. I close my eyes getting up off Jacobs lap suddenly very tense.

"What's he want?" He asked curiously from across the room. I don't meet his eyes, I can't.

"We, have to deal with some last minute practice details, I'll be back." I say it slowly and with as much force as possible.

"Okay, I'll go gather everyone we'll all meet back here." He says.

I nodded, "Okay." I can't say anything else, everything in me telling me to tell him the truth. What I was about to do, how he would be affected. God I was going to break his heart.

"Beth, we're going to be okay, we'll win." His thunderous voice brings me back. I look at him, tears at the brim aching to fall. I finally take this last look at him and I completely break.

I run to him, throwing my arms around him in an everlasting embrace. I needed more time, the Gods didn't give me enough time with him. His hands wrapped around my waist, and I hold his head against my shoulder. The pulling apart is what I regretted the most.

"I love you baby." He says softly.

"One more time."

"I love you Bethany Pierce." I grab his face in a passionate kiss. One full of fire and lust and fear and all of the truths I couldn't get out to him.

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