The Lies I've Uncovered

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"The truth that's hidden, no matter what the circumstances, is often cruel."

I was sitting in my windowsill, Copper was asleep in my lap

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I was sitting in my windowsill, Copper was asleep in my lap. It was raining all day today, I somehow think it was my fault, it matched my mood for today. I woke up in a bad mood, a feeling of melancholy I couldn't explain. I thought about my parents how I never would know them, about missing my grandparents even though I just got off the phone with my grandmother yesterday. So I sat in my windowsill ignoring messages and writing some poetry.

The storm

there is pain here and they tell us not to touch it.
But either way, we feel it.
It festers behind the clouds.
builds. shakes the ground.
oh, we are well-versed in thunder.
by now we know lightning by name.
but we still do not touch it.
we still do as we're told.
here me out: what if we weren't afraid?
we flee at the sight of rain but what if we
huddled closer? pressed ourselves tighter?
didn't allow it to part us?
I would whisper you this secret:
the sun has never healed us quite like the storm

I closed the book and decided to start on some homework, I go downstairs to grab my notebook. Once I'm down the hall I over hear grandpa on the phone, he's arguing with someone by the sound of it.

"No I just don't think it's time, she isn't ready and from what I seen she wasn't showing any signs...It rains here all the time it doesn't mean it's her...I know my daughter trusted you but I can't believe that any of this will be good for her.." I frown, 'was he talking about me?' I decided to ignore it but the curious part of me wanted to know.

"Grandpa I'm going to the coffee shop, want anything while I'm out?" I yelled, I got no response "Also would you watch copper, I've got him going out the doggy door but just in case."

I walk into the living room to see Ronny, Billy Black, and Eden Call all sitting around watching some kind of game. "Oh hey guys!" I said.

"I heard you doll, go on but be careful this rain is a lot tonight."

Billy looked to me grinning, "Call Jacob to drive you, he'll be back here in a little while to get me." I laughed, "Thank you Billy but calling Jacob would be like calling someone if I felt like getting into an argument tonight."

He laughed, "You two are something from what I've heard, Jacobs met his match."

He's probably met his match but I've most certainly not met mine.

I walk out of the house I think if I stay gone long enough I'll miss seeing Jacob at the house. I got to the 'Java Monster' coffee place in Forks. I loved the aesthetic every time I walked in. I grabbed my coffee and sat down in a booth to work on my schoolwork. I realized I liked this town, it fit me even on a bad day I could be so content with myself. Things were finally coming together.

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