In My Veins

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"Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them."

After school I drop Fiocey at home, I couldn't quite yet knowing who I wanted to go see, who would be able to give me some relief on these problems and that was Eden Call

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After school I drop Fiocey at home, I couldn't quite yet knowing who I wanted to go see, who would be able to give me some relief on these problems and that was Eden Call.

Eden was my grandfathers best friend growing up, we went to visit him a couple of times but I had yet to pay him a visit since Ronny's passing. Something I couldn't bring myself around to do.

As I walk up to the  Call house, I notice Embry and his girlfriend Lena on the front porch. They looked to be laughing about something, so carefree like, it looked foreign to me.

I walk through the thick snow, the cold breeze hitting me immediately but I wasn't cold. I don't think I would ever be again since I was supernatural now. Embry is the first to stand up, grinning at me.

"Hey Effie, what's up?" I look at him and Lena grinning, I wondered if she even liked me, if any of the imprints liked me for I always seemed to put their mate in trouble.

"I came to see Eden actually, is he home?" I asked but I knew the answer, Eden never left his home. He was older than the other elders, not finding the energy to leave. Ronny said it was because of his late wife, Ella, that caused this disheartening.

"Yeah he's inside, but are you doing okay Eff?" Embry asks. He knew why to ask, everyone did.

"I'm getting there Embry, I think." He nods, but concern stays on his face as he watches me walk in.

Once inside I take in the wooden home, lightly lit up and the quietness from the home. I walk into the kitchen to find Eden in his wheelchair, staring out at the snow through the big windows. He looked so peaceful I almost regretted bothering him.

"Bethany Pierce, alive and in the flesh." He says without looking at me. I gasp.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked. He let's out a chuckle, turning himself completely around towards me.

"A wolf doesn't lose his hearing just because he's old Bethany."

He takes in my appearance, I looked okay but the disdained look on my face says differently.

"I was wondering when you would come around you know."

I sigh, sitting at the kitchen table. "It's been a lot going on Eden, I haven't given myself any time too." He nods.

"I understand after Ronny, I know how hard it was for you here. Then more trouble followed, like it always does."

"I'm not over it, I probably never will be at how I had the chance to know him only to lose him. It took something from me, I about lost myself if.." I don't continue.

"If the pack wasn't there for you." I nodded.

"They will always be there Beth, even when you don't want them to be they will. It's in our blood to protect you."

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