Loyalty Binds

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"You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if you only dared. And deep down, you know it too, and that's what scares you the most."

I get off my flight at around 11, it was later than expected so if Jacob didn't wait I wouldn't be surprised

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I get off my flight at around 11, it was later than expected so if Jacob didn't wait I wouldn't be surprised. I grab my bag and luggage and head to the door to grab a cab to town. Thinking about the last time I did this to Forks, I had grandpa waiting for me outside. I turn a corner, and there's Jacob. The man I loved waiting on me. I drop my stuff, running towards him as quick as I could.

I jump into his arms, and as clique as it may be all the butterflies appeared in my stomach, along with an electric feeling I'd never get from any other being. I look at him and he looks at me, us just taking each other in.


"Hey baby" he says before capturing me in a kiss. The dimmed out flame, turned a blazing. God was good to him, blessing him with these lips.

I laugh, making him stop so we could go on home. He thinks he's going to carry me out and the luggage in his other hand, I laugh at how we look.

Once we get home, Copper runs up to me and I run and give him all the kisses. I go upstairs and head for a shower, making sure Jacob is set put on my bed and not leaving. Once I'm out and changed I practically jump into bed with him.

"I have missed you so Goddamn much." He says, I look at him frowning at his swearing.

"Got you a sailors mouth huh?" I grin at him, "might have to fix that." I attack him in kisses, and then I'm kissing him all over his face. Physical affection was our strong suite.

"You want to tell me about all that happened here?" I asked him laying on his chest.

"Tomorrow, you got to get some rest we're going for breakfast at Emily's before school." I sigh at his shut down, finally I could get some good sleep with my boy.

Waking up to kisses was probably the best morning I could count hands down. Surprised he's already showered and ready, did he even sleep? I curled back into the bed, wanting to stay there.

"Come back right here Black." I say pointing to the spot beside me. He sighs before doing as I told him, "We'll be late."

"School can wait, oh shoot breakfast at Em's." I say remembering. He curls me up in his arms, I think he's about to stay here with me but I get up knowing I can't not show up to Em's.

I go in to the bathroom and get ready before the closet for an outfit, I choose a long sleeve, with a jacket and leggings and my brown boots. It's gotten snowier out in the middle of this November air. I kiss Copper goodbye, always leaving the poor boy alone I feel like.

We drive in his truck to Em's, I look out the window taking in the scenery. It's different from London.

"It was hard on me, when you left, my wolf and I were having territory troubles. Anyone who even thought about you I kind of, attacked. Jace and I for the most...faced off." He admits. I look to him sighing.

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