Remembering Home

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"The most regretful thing is that I broke someone's belief in me."

I don't wake up early that day, no I feel like I needed more than a days worth of sleep

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I don't wake up early that day, no I feel like I needed more than a days worth of sleep. However a bouncing child on my bed, in the form of Claire Young that wakes me.

"Up, up up Bweth!" She yells at me still bouncing.

I laugh letting her fall into my arms, giving her a kiss at the top of her head. I look to see Emily at the end of my bed now. Her eyes gleaming with worry I guess my face didn't look too good.

She doesn't hesitate running towards me, throwing herself into a hug. I hug her back instantly, glad to see my sister wasn't upset at me. Clair finds this inspiration for her to join in, I laugh for the first time in a while. Laugh at how carefree we could be now that I wasn't there no more. I wasn't in battle.

I introduced Fiocey to Emily, she's shy at first against Emily's eager personality. I wanted more time, one on one, to get to know her but I know we have to go to Sam's, discuss her and her powers with the pack. She's reluctant, I see it in her face as she takes each step, like she wanted to run the other way.

I go upstairs to get ready, I shower again, the one from last night didn't do me enough cleanliness but I don't think one truly will for a while. I felt dirty and was almost gasping when I took a look at myself in the mirror.

I never thought of myself ugly, I wasn't painstakingly pretty either but I did have good confidence in myself. That all fell when I looked at my beat up, sleep deprived face. I looked like I went to war and lost. I think of Jacob, how this possibly could be because of my longing for him, to be near him.

Once we're there I take Claire into my lap, she sits idly as the rest of the pack comes in. I look at each of the boys as they come in, Paul throws a kiss to my cheek before taking his seat and Quil wraps me and Claire in a hug.

"Qwuil stop it!" Claire screams as Quil tackles her in kisses on the cheeks. I laugh at his playfulness with her, knowing she was going to have him her whole life set me at ease. I watch as Leah takes a spot as far away as she can get, Jace taking root around a nervous Fiocey.

I knew they were imprints, I haven't talked about it with her, I probably will just let him tell her when he's ready. Something so, magnetic as the imprint she'll soon figure it out and they might be happy.

Jacob is the last to walk through the door as usual, he looked cleaned up still sporting the scruff around his face telling me he wasn't planning on shaving. I didn't mind it, I thought it looked good on him. I got a pang of jealousy of the thought of any girl at school seeing him look that, painstakingly beautiful.

He doesn't glance at me, looks everywhere but me and it breaks my heart and my desire to be near him only increases 10 folds. To my surprise, however, he takes the seat next to me, a gust of his scent driving me almost insane with longing.

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