Always Unwavering

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"How wild it was, to let it be."

I was running

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I was running. I don't know where or even how I got here. But it was daylight, the light gleaming through trees as I ran.

But it wasn't something I was running from no, I was running too something. I come out to the clearing, my favorite spot but the pack was there.

They weren't supposed to know about this, only Jacob and I. They look at me with remorse and devastating faces. What had happened?

I move through them slowly, reading Seth's face with tears in his eyes. I look over to Embry, the calmest out of the bunch, on his knees looking to the ground.

I finally see what they do, a body laying on the ground. Their tan skin, muscular build is what I jeep my eyes trained on, not looking at the face. I can't look at the face.

'Cmon Beth, you have to know. You have know if it's him.'

I finally bear it, and I bring my eyes to the face. It was Jacob, my Jacob. His face looked like he was sleeping, so content, so at peace. He never looked so peaceful before.

I realize he's dead, I don't move; I can't go any farther as I just stare. All the agony in me wants out but it can't.

That's when I do what I know, I set the trees around aflame. The flames come towards us all, it was going to consume us. But what did I care now? He was gone and so was I.

I look to my right, Jace is shaking me. Telling me to stop this. I look to him and it all comes back to me, this wasn't real.

I gasped awake, it was a dream. I look over in my bed, Jacob was the one shaking me.

"Beth it was just a dream, please, it was just a dream." I look to him, he was alive. I throw my arms around him, finding him wincing and smelling burning flesh I look down.

His arm held welps, I realize it was from me. In my dream when I caught something on fire, it was him.

"I burnt you, I was having a nightmare, I set it on fire. Jacob I'm sorry, I didn't..." I don't get to finish as he grabs my face.

He doesn't even wince at the pain, but it's all I can think about.

"It's fine Beth, what was the dream?" I shut down at that. I couldn't speak it, if I did it would make it too real.

"It was awful, forget that let me clean you up." I take his hand, pulling him from the bed. I could see it was still the middle of the night that I ruined with my nightmares.

We go down into the kitchen , pulling out a little first aid kit from the top shelf. I scavenged for burn cream of some sort.

"It's going to heal itself Beth here in an hour, there's no point." He knows I'm shaming myself right now, disappointed, overall frightened that I could hurt him.

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