Ashes Of Happiness

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"I know that the whole point-the only point-is to find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to
let them go."

I wake up walking downstairs at 6 to see all the Cullen's wide awake, it's laughable because vampires don't sleep

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I wake up walking downstairs at 6 to see all the Cullen's wide awake, it's laughable because vampires don't sleep. One thing I wish I didn't need as much.

"Merry Christmas Beth!" Alice chimes in, sitting on the couch with Jasper watching a movie. I know I needed to get to Jacob's before he woke up.

"So your going hunting on Christmas? Am I hearing this right?" I asked.

"It's like our Thanksgiving feast, I'm thinking Elk. What about you Ed?" Emmett says grinning, I throw on a disgusted face.

After talking for a couple minutes I head to Jacob's bidding them a goodbye. I pull into his driveway and I don't knock as I walk in the door, he left it unlocked for me I observe.

I go into his room, observing all the car magazines and clothes scattered on the floor. Messy boy. I climb in slowly beside him but he catches me in the act because I feel a hand grab me.

He keeps his eyes closed as he pulls me towards him, so tight I think I couldn't breathe.

"Never doing a sleepover again. Never." He says into my chest. I smile at that. Last night being the first in a while not being with him, felt foreign.

"Merry Christmas Black." I look at the man laying beside me, his eyes still closed. He was the most beautiful man I have ever seen. I know I have something to tell him, what better day to do it then on Christmas.

I lean up and kiss him on the cheek. "I love you." In a soft whisper. His eyes finally open at this. I close mine, I am terrified. I know he can hear my heart racing.

"Open your eyes Ef." He says to me, I don't budge.

"Open them." This time I listen, and he's looking at me like I rocked his world.

"I love you, Bethany Celine Pierce, with every bit of my being." He was poetic, even if he didn't like poetry.

Suddenly I wasn't scared anymore, my heart grew warm at the words and I was even more whole than before. Nothing should scare me about this love, because I have him and he has me, till the end.

I meet him in the middle in a kiss, sweet but breathtaking. It was always like that, burning me from the inside out.

This time I was ready for more, I needed more from him. I take his shirt and lift it up, almost having it off when he stops my hands.

Looking down at me shaking his head, "When we do...that. It has to be right, you have to be fully mine and I fully yours." I frown at that.

"I thought I was already all yours." He grabs me, moving me back down into the bed.

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