Save her

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"Perhaps she was glass. But glass is only brittle until it breaks. Then it's sharp."

All I see is him, his beautiful russet wolf running towards me, I have to focus though, I have to win this

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All I see is him, his beautiful russet wolf running towards me, I have to focus though, I have to win this. I take the fire shield down, knowing I have to get to Rafe. Knowing the snake would probably try and slip away, or coware in the back of his army. I watch as more and more monsters appear, some of giant sizes, some tiny monsterous things, nothing you would see from a tv, nothing a human could ever imagine.

I know they will try and kill Fiocey, deeming her a threat, I watch as Jace run's towards her in attack. "STOP, KEEP HER TRAPPED BUT DO NOT TOUCH HER" I scream fiercely, they seem to listen over the chaos and I watch as Jace pins her down to the ground, Alice coming to ensure she stays that way.

I am now back to the sky with Rafe, he studies me and I don't give it a second thought, throwing him back to the ground. The giant tree like monster comes towards me with swinging arms, I throw fire and sinch it the ground. I try and keep my focus on Rafe, but they were all coming at me at different angles. I fly towards his spot on the ground, throwing a punch that knocked his body down to his knees. He get's back up with ease, I watch as Jacob is knocking him back to the ground. I know he's here to help me, help me kill this monster.

Jacob is suddenly thrown miles away, Fiocey under her trance sending him there. I watch the strongest man I knew, get back up with a fierceness I had never seen and come right back at us. I was caught in my distraction and thrown not just to the ground but through it, Rafe had cracked it. I watch as his people fall in between these cracks, Paul is almost gone too if I didn't catch him, bringing him back.

I know before this place is underground I have to kill him, Jacob is at my side, his wolf towering me, almost waiting for me to tell him what to do. Get him in a hold, let's end this I say in my head, knowing I've never spoken to him through pack link, but I was told it was possible. He doesn't think twice, I take in Rafe's now rough look, he was beaten badly, but he still wasn't going down so easy. He goes to throw Jacob, but Jacob's quicker, knocking him to the ground, standing on top of the oh mighty Rafe. Rafe acts, even under the weight, stabbing Jacob.

I catch my breathe, but I remove the sword throwing it to the side before it can go too deep, enough to kill him. Jacob falters, but he doesn't move, he's waiting as he looks to me in his pained eyes.

I come over to them, I don't hear the chaos in the background, I don't feel the army running at me, all I hear is Jacob's heartbeat. I pick up the bloody sword, before I slay my dragon. Detaching Rafe's head from his body, he was dead.

The fighting ceased as soon as the metal hit the ground, Jacob moves off of the body staring at me, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing, me in the flesh, I bend down, picking up the head. I raise it into the air, each and everyone of my family watching me in accomplishment. "NO MORE!" I scream.

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