Too Cold To Stay

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"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared by scars."

"Why would you do that?" He asks

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"Why would you do that?" He asks. He wasn't angry more like surprised. I laughed at the steam pouring off of him. Those boys have some temperature issues I swear.

I laughed, "I needed a swim." I lapped through the waves enjoying the coldness. He just sits there and looks at me, and before I know it he's diving towards me. I jump out of his way right where he landed.

I kicked my feet going as far away from him, he was fast, but I was faster. He came back up I smirked at him, "Now Black you know you got to be quicker than that."

This time it was all animal in how quick it happened he launched at me and even how far I tried to go he already latched onto one of my legs, and one arm.

He held me there and leaned down to me, "Gotcha." He says in a husky whisper before picking me up and throwing me in like a ragdoll.

I didn't come back up instead I stayed under, long as I could, taking notice when I didn't need to come up for air till I heard the panic, "Beth? BETHANY?!"

I leaped up behind him and dunked his giant head in. I got as far away from him as he came up, we just laughed. That 'crazy people playing in a frozen ocean' laugh.

I ran out after that onto the shore, Jacob hollered, "Where are you going?" I laughed. "You know it's too cold to be swimming tonight Jacob!" I hollered before running up the beach all while laughing all his dumfounded expression.

I tried to be sneaky about leaving the bonfire so I wasn't asked why I was wet but of course Paul Lahote caught me. "Now now what do we have here?" He asked with a laugh.

"Oh hey Paul nice seeing you here on this fine afternoon." Jace came up after that, and then Quil.

"What happened to you are you okay?" Jace asked. Acting time.

"Yeah I was just walking along the shorelines when out of no where Black came up and pushed me in. I'll never understand the anger problems that boy has."

"I'm gonna kick his ass." said Jace. Paul and Quil just laughed. My face feigning hurt.

Jacob walks up to group at that moment. He's soaking wet you can see the muscles rippled through his shirt. Jace looked like he was about to launch at him so I cut in, "Jace it's fine I got his ass back."

"Back for what?" Jacob asked confused. "For pushing her in the ocean Jacob, I know you don't know how to control yourself but at least try for her sake asshole." Jace said.

Jacob looked at me, and if looks could kill I'd be dead, "You bitch." I was about to laugh before I remember I had to keep it going.

Jace took me to Emily's to grab me a towel before walking me to my car. "I can't believe he did that to you." He said still angry. I laughed "Jace he didn't do nothing, I was the one who dragged him in I just wanted a good story to tell. Maybe rile him up some more."

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