Fallen With The Night

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"And the night smells like snow. Walking home for a moment you almost believe you could start again. And an intense love rushes to your heart, and hope. It's unendurable, unendurable."

"What do you want for Christmas?" Jacob asks me for the millionth time I thought it was cute the first two times, now it's annoying

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"What do you want for Christmas?" Jacob asks me for the millionth time I thought it was cute the first two times, now it's annoying. Especially considering Christmas was tomorrow it has to be a joke at this point.

He's leaning over me as we lay in bed, it was Christmas Eve and I wanted to sleep in and Jacob told me last night that that's what we would do. After weeks of begging, pleading to skip the Christmas ball and stay here I miraculously got what I wanted.

'Is it hard being this disappointing?' Grandmother asked me, while Grandfather snatched the phone and told me I would be okay, he understood me way better.

I spent the last couple of weeks also practicing with Drew, we did the same stuff, each day but I was getting so much better with powers. My physical appearance has changed a bit, I was a bit muscular now and the small curves I used to have are now pronounced. Jacob being the one to tell me about my bigger butt and boobs of course.

Everything was kind of perfect though I wouldn't lie about that, we had another hangout with Alice and Leah but this time I got Kim and Lena, the other imprints, to join. The pack was slowly coming around to the idea.

Jacob and I have spent this time learning more and more about each other and not one monster has came to visit the town of Forks. That leads to me laying here in the arms of the man I loved more than anything, who I also still haven't told of that discovery.

"You know considering it's tomorrow I hope you haven't waited last minute to get me something hoping I'd break on Christmas Eve, now would you Black?" I look up at him.

"Of course not, but if I got an answer I'd still be able to get it in a flash." I laugh.

"And how's that?"

"I have my ways." He winks at me. I roll my eyes.

"Okay I want one thing." I say, this catches his attention.

"I want you," I lean forward a bit, "to come back down here and sleep." I say simply. He let's out a huff, but complies. He wraps me up in his arms and I close my eyes, welcoming some more sleep. A knock at the door wakes me up again. He holds me still, "Ignore it they'll go away."

I look up at him with an 'Are you serious?' look before I move out of his arms to go downstairs. I walk to the door only to see Jacob is already down here. Using his wolfy speed. He opens it to a face I recognized. It was Dalton, a guard from the castle. I move in front of Jacob, to see who was outside.

It was James, leaning against something covered in sheets with a big bow on it. I grin at him before running and hugging him.

"What are you doing here?"

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