Losing It All

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"I still search for you in crowds,
in empty fields and soaring clouds.
In city lights and passing cars,
on winding roads and wishing stars."

I went home after school finally ready to speak to my grandpa he was the last I had to make up with

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I went home after school finally ready to speak to my grandpa he was the last I had to make up with. I get out of the car and take my stuff inside and yell around the house, "Anyone home?!" I gasp when I see in the living it's in fact not my grandpa but Drew.

"What can I help you with?" I asked.

"I want to know if your ready to learn?" I frowned.

"Learn what, have you seen Ronny?

"He's at the diner with his pals, but I have some teaching on your powers to show you. But that's only if your ready, you seemed...scared yesterday."

I laughed, "I wasn't scared, I don't get scared." I said seriously.

"Okay then, let's go now." I hesitated before nodding. I write a note for grandpa on the fridge. 'Home soon, we'll talk about everything. Love you!'

I follow him out to the woods, a clearing. But trees were fallen all over the place, how was I to practice here?

"Your first learning experience, move these trees to make a clear circle." I look to him.

"How am I supposed to do that, oh the wind right?" I go to try the wind but he stops me.

"No you have extra strength now, you need to use it, the more you use it the more it builds.
I look at him like he's crazy but he nods me ahead. I go to pick up the tree by the end of the humongous log. It feels like I'm picking up a 20 pound weight. I'm amazed at how strong I am, I then push it forward and it somehow goes with it, to the other side of the woods. He watches me as I do all 10 trees, I roll my eyes 'some teacher', I thought. After that I walk back over to him,

"Now we are going to learn how to defend yourself, with your strength and stamina abilities, not your powers."

"Aren't my powers how I would protect myself why am I not just learning them?" I ask confused.

He shakes his head at me, "To have such great powers you have to be a great warrior already mentally, and physically. We must build that first, at the end of each lesson I will teach you some of your powers tricks. But most of them will come to you naturally. Now find a fighting stance."

We must have practiced for 3 hours, before I would never have made it through the 1st hour. I had ballet physics, not fighting. But I had the attitude for fighting. When it hit 7 he called it quite's, it would be dark here in an hour.

"I will be back in 2 days, I have a meeting in London. A child of only 10 was throwing people out windows of his orphanage, with his mind." He says.

"What do you do with them, he's just a kid he couldn't help it."

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