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"I love you, a thousand times over. And I will never apologize for it."

I wake up to Jacob gone, I'm thinking he got called to early patrol

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I wake up to Jacob gone, I'm thinking he got called to early patrol. I wonder if he'll be at school because of this? I wonder even more how we will act around each other now? I mean we have both shown, we want to be together. I told him to go slow with me, how new this is to me and probably him also.

I dress nice today, sporting a t shirt over a long sleeve, with jeans and some booties, tiny hoops, my mothers necklace and this time deciding to wear the bracelet Jacob gave me.

Walking outside, the yard is covered in snow. I laugh at the thought of just making it summer here in Forks, but that would probably be against some rules. I get to school throwing my bag on my shoulder, I see him waiting up at the steps, the rest of the boys as well.

I walk up to them stopping at him first, "Hey." Is all I can get out, the black t shirt and wet hair he is sporting, is something I find hard to ignore.

"Hey." He says staring into my eyes, the shit eating grin taking up his face, and mine as well.

Paul and Jared think it's funny to reenact our short conversations, ending it in a fake makeout session. I roll my eyes as the others laugh, before looking to Jace, he catches my eyes I throw him a small wave. He throws me a grin in return.

The bell rings and we all walk in, Jacob does something unexpected and grabs my hand. I look to him, nerves gone, and a smile takes over my face. Here we go.

Sitting by Alice in 2nd she grins at me before I even tell her. "Let me guess you had a vision?" I asked.

She laughs, "My girl when the prettiest girl in the school get's a boyfriend it's going to be in the papers."

I laugh, "We're not, dating, we're just together." I say, not fitting with the immature title.

"Mates, you two are mates, but to humans you are boyfriend and girlfriend." She says.

"I wouldn't have picked him for you in a million years Beth, but God is funny sometimes." Edward says butting in.

"Edward if I recall God thought he was even funnier pairing you with a human." I say back.

"She love me for it, even wants me to turn her into one." He says face turning serious. "But I won't, I want to give her a long life, but she seems to think a life without me isn't one."

I sigh, "You'll have to respect her choice Edward, sometimes love is more important than air we breathe. Jacob, we fight and disagree, but I've never been more completely entrapped by someone."

"Are you still practicing Beth, everyday with Drew?" Alice asks.

"Yeah, I have to put that almost first to anything, he tries to fight me on it but in the end, it's going to be a battle I'll have to be the one to end, alone." I say.

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