Darkness Stirs

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"Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human"

I was sitting in the kitchen in the early morning, on the phone with Drew as Jacob sat across from me

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I was sitting in the kitchen in the early morning, on the phone with Drew as Jacob sat across from me. We had to get his help, he's fought them before he can help.

"This afternoon, we meet out in the clearing, 3 o clock." He says with a strict tone, there was no surprise, no fear, nothing in his voice but constrict and precise. I let out a sigh, placing my face into my hands.

Warm hands grab mine from my face, I look up to see Jacob holding them from my face. I lean my forehead on his chest, it bringing me so much comfort him just being there, but I would give anything; anything in the world for this to not be true.

For them not to be coming for us.

I am reading a book, but I'm not focused to even process any of it. Too much is on my mind, too much I still have to do. Jacob jumping through the window pauses that thought. He's shirtless, in shorts and tennis shoes from patrol.

"No hey baby?" He asks with a grin, I look back down at my book.

"Before we, before we do this. We need to talk about after, about if we lose and I die."

"Beth," his voice turning deadly, I changed the mood in the room completely. "We aren't talking about this, not now, not ever." I sigh.

"Fine, I will put Drew in charge of it." I say disheartened. He darts across the room, the book I had in my hand as a distraction to not face him thrown across the room. I look up at him with a glare.

He leans down over me, "We are not talking about it, because it isn't happening."

"Fine." I sit up, not fine. "But I am trying to make sure we have everything sorted out, if I go the house is yours. I want a family raised here too; if not just take good care of it." He looks away from me.

"Copper is ours, you take care of him." I go to continue when Jacob stands to his feet, his shaking has started. He yanks me by the arm, pulling me off the bed and too my feet.

"Let's go Beth." I sigh, trying to pull my hand back, but he's not budging. He throws me my jacket from the closet, and sits me in my vanity chair. I watch him, wondering what he's going to do next when he get's down on his knees, slipping my Ugg boots on my feet, one by one.

He then takes my jacket and puts my arms through them as I don't help any, too busy watching him with a small smile.

Grabbing my hand again he leads me downstairs to the door, throwing a boggan on my head and a scarf around my neck. I let him take me all the way to the truck.

"Can I ask where..." "No" He cuts me off. He treats me like a baby but speaks to me coldly. I roll my eyes at this staring out the window.

We pull into his driveway, I look at him in a questioning look but he just opens my door and lifts me out. I hold his hand, curious as ever what was going on. We don't walk into the house, instead we walk to the garage.

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