Hate Must Be Easier

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"Then he left, and with him he took the sun, the moon, the stars, and anything inside of me that might have been good."

The next day I go over to speak to Sam, not wanting to show my face from hurting Leah the other day but knowing I must

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The next day I go over to speak to Sam, not wanting to show my face from hurting Leah the other day but knowing I must. He's in the kitchen, Emily on his lap as they sip their coffee and look content as ever. I narrow in on her belly, seeing a little bump begin to show on her. She notices as she stands up.

"Want to touch it?" She asks grinning, I nod hesitate at first. Sam watching my every move around his mate. I lay my hand on the stomach, I send a silent prayer above that this baby comes out beautiful and loving. Knowing with Emily's natural looks and Sam's handsomeness she or he would be perfect.

Emily leaves knowing what I needed to speak to Sam about not before stopping me, "This changes everything for him Effie, be patient." I nodded at her, not fully grasping her words before I sit down across from him.

"First can I ask you about what happened to him when I left?" I don't use died, I'll never use it I think.

"His experience, he'll have to be the one to share that with you but he got angry at first. This anger, I tried to control with my authority, and when he refused and fought against it by some unearthly way. He broke from the pack and didn't shift again until he came to get you."

"Is he still out of the pack?" He shakes his head.

"Not exactly, him coming back to us patrolling and taking time with his wolf it connected us but his wolf isn't the same, it wants the authority, the alpha title in his birthright."

"But you still have it right?"

"Yeah for the time being, and that has his wolf fighting him for control, control to get the alpha title. But Jacob himself, he's worried about mending your imprint slowly, while the wolf wanted to just mark you and keep you. In the end, the wolf won for a part of it, marking you, but Jacob won't go near you right now." I nod, taking it all in.

"Does he hate me?" Sam doesn't speak at first.

"He hates me. I know he can't because of the imprint, but I know Jacob hates me Sam. We made agreements, to always tell the truth and I broke that."

"He doesn't hate you Beth, he is just having internal battles about you coming back. The severity of you leaving was catastrophic. The boys, including me, couldn't stomach the idea of you dead the connection too you butchered."

"I wasn't thinking Sam when I chose to go Sam, it was so quick in making a choice for us, all of us I made that choice to go."

"And you did it Beth, you slayed one of our greatest enemies, your home and your safe." He says with a small smile on his face.

I cook for Fiocey and then remember Billy, and how he probably hasn't had a good meal in a while since I've been so busy. I get in my Jeep and take it over to him, he opens the door with a giant smile attacking his face.

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