No Angels

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"The most confused we ever get is when we're trying to convince our heads of something our heart knows is a lie."

I am standing in a field, snow is everywhere, but for some reason little fires are everywhere around me

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I am standing in a field, snow is everywhere, but for some reason little fires are everywhere around me. I look around and all I can see is blood in the white snow, figures lay out right where the blood is poured. I try and squint my eyes to see who is laying there, but they all blur. I run up to one of them and look down, only for my heart to jump out of my chest, it's Edward, he's dead. I break out in cry, waking up.

'It was only a dream' I tell myself, gasping for air. I go to the window, looking down Jacob is up as well he must have sensed it. I don't think before I'm opening the window.

"Wanna come in?" I asked. His wolf nods, before he is running in the forest. He comes back a couple minutes later, this time in human form.

"Step back!" He says, I do as told and next thing I know, he's jumped into my room. I stand with my arms crossed looking at him.

"Why are you awake Beth?" He asked. I sigh before sitting back on the end of the bed.

"I had a dream, and it wasn't good." He frowns before sitting down beside me.

"Tell me about it, I could feel how much it was hurting you." I want to question that, how much he can feel from my emotions, but I don't.

"I don't understand these, nightmares, I get. When grandpa died, I'd get them but they went away, every time..." I don't finish telling him, 'Every time I'm with you'.

"But they stay always coming back, this time it's different though. I'm standing on a mountain, it's snowing and I'm looking around to see fires everywhere, and figures dead all over the mountainside. I walk up to one, and it's Edward, just laying there, skin cracked and dead."

He frowns at this, before looking down at me, "These are just dreams, they're not real, okay? None of them will come true, Edwards fine." I know how much he doesn't like him, but he speaks on him really good. I know he is just doing that to ease my mind.

"I know I'm just...I'm sick of them. When your down there do you even get to sleep?" I asked, wanting to stop the talk about the nightmares.

"Yeah, I sleep in wolf form, I have the most heightened hearing and alertness, for your protection." I frown, knowing he has to sleep out in the grass.

"But how can you get a good nights sleep, in the grass, I don't think you should have to do that for me Jacob. I'm fine, at night here." I say concerned.

"No your not fine alone, that's known now. If keeping you safe means I have to sleep in the grass that doesn't bother me." He says strictly.

"What about Billy, every night you come here you leave your dad home alone." I couldn't imagine the poor old man alone in his house each night.

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