Among Lions

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"that is the thing about selfish people. they gamble entire beings. entire souls to please their own."

It was Friday afternoon, I just got out of school and was on my way home to get ready for practice, after that I was going to go to Emily's

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It was Friday afternoon, I just got out of school and was on my way home to get ready for practice, after that I was going to go to Emily's. Pulling in the driveway I see a Range Rover waiting on me, it's Allen.

I walk up to where he stands outside my door, he meets me with a grin, but I don't share it knowing what he was here for.

"Let me guess, your here to take me home." I say. He nods, bringing out his phone to make a call. He hands it to me when they answer.

"Grandmother." I say.

"Hello child, I have sent Allen to receive you. You need to pack for the weekend." I go to argue with her but she continues on.

"And before you deny it, you skipped last months visit and you will not be skipping this one, there are important matters to discuss when you arrive. Goodbye." She hangs up before I can get my words out.

I look to Allen, knowing what they say goes even though dread took over me, at the thought of leaving anyone. "I'll be ready in 20, and then we have to stop at Sue's." I say.

I call Drew first, "Hey I'm heading to England for the weekend, can you just come there so we can practice?" I asked. Knowing he can just teleport there when I arrive.

"That will be fine, London has a few people who you need to meet. Would you be ready to meet some of your own kind?" He asked.

"That would be... that would be great." I say, this might be good I need to meet others.

I call Sue Clearwater, Leah's mom, next asking her if she's okay with watching Copper for a few days, knowing she has other dogs that play with Copper when he comes over. She agrees.

Next is Emily, telling her of what's going on and to tell the others for me if she would. She wishes me safe travels and a last comment that stuck to my heart, "Come back to us." Of course I would, this was my home.

Last is the call to Jacob, which is left to voicemail. He must be on patrols and I don't have enough time before my flight to wait. So I go in to shower and get ready, before I lock up. Taking one last look at my house, I make my way to Sues with Allen.

Once we're there I'm greeted by Leah and Sue, inviting me in. "Leaving for the weekend? How'd you get that past Jacob?" Leah asked.

"I didn't have the chance to tell him, I called but he's on patrol." I say with a hint of sadness. She looks at me for a moment contemplating something before she comes over and she hugs me.

"I don't hug people so if you tell anyone..." I grin at her, "Be safe, and come back I'll watch over him." I throw my arms around her thanking her. I am so worried about being apart from him, even for a couple days.

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