The Grey

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"Suddenly, all at once, she knows, knows that he doesn't understand her, that he never will."

Believing everything was alright was the biggest lie I could have told myself

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Believing everything was alright was the biggest lie I could have told myself. I walk in the door with Jacob, everyone's packing food out to the car. I embrace Emily in a hug, she has got to be one of my best friends. Sam goes in to kiss her on the cheek and she dodges it, I don't take this unnoticed instead I pull her to the side.

"Em I seen you and Sam, are you okay?" She smiles but tears glisten her eyes.

"Yes we're fine it's just some things we have to get through, all of us do. Just promise me you will understand why we protect you Beth. Promise me you know how much we care about you here."
I nodded, now I know somethings going on.

"I promise, no matter what." I walk with them carrying stuff down for everyone to dig into, Billy is sitting around the fire waiting to share his stories with everyone. Jace comes up behind me, grabbing my hand.

"Beth will you come take a walk with me?" I nodded.
He leads me down away from everyone, he stands out in front of me.

"There's something I have to tell you, I know I shouldn't be doing this. But there's a part of me that thinks you feel the same way. It's just our nature that wants us apart, not us." I look to him knowing where this is going now, he was admitting feelings.

"Effie, when I met you my stars lined up. Being around you, is one of the best things to happen to me and I don't know if you feel the same. But I am pouring my heart out to a girl who is too good for this world and is a beautiful person and I..." he stops, seeing my surprised face.

I gasped, "Jace, I.." I seen it on his face, he's never opened up to someone like this before. He turns away at my hesitation.

I grab his arm before he walks away, "No Jace, I never knew this. I liked you too, from the beginning I liked you but, God, I've fallen for him." He stares, a devastated look taking over knowing who I was talking about. Tears begin to treck down my face.

"I fell for the worst one out of the bunch: Jacob and I don't even know, how he feels about me. But you, you were always clear with your feelings. I just didn't piece it together, and now, I'm so sorry."

He nods, "All I wanted to do was protect you from him, but I know what you and him have, it's different. But you have to be careful around him, he's got a bad look on things it's going to ruin it. Ruin you and I'm not letting that happen."

I shake my head at him, he was right. "I know that's why I haven't told him, if it hurts me I won't be able to bear it. He is so good sometimes, it's like he's fighting something." He grabs my hands pulling me closer than I know I should be.

"He's fighting the imprint Bethany."

Before I can ask what, he is being slammed to the ground by Jacob. They get up before going full wolf, biting, clawing, jumping at each other. I rush at them but it looks like Paul's wolf holds me back.
I run forward shoving Paul away and grab Jacobs wolf, before I shove him down. He gets back up angrier. But I just do it again. "STOP!" I yell.

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