Less Than Gods

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"I make it easier for people to leave by making them hate me a little."

Edward's POV:

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Edward's POV:

I didn't realize the cosmic effect that girl would have on me once she was gone. I had gone through many deaths, made many friends just to lose them, it was nothing I couldn't live without as a vampire who never aged.

Bella raises up to look at me, we were in her bed. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever got to see in the 300 years I have lived. Of course my mate had to be human, so fragile so breakable. But she wasn't like others, she wanted to be a vampire sooner rather than later. The selfish parts of me would let her turn, be with me forever. But I fought against that wanting her to grow old, have children.

Bethany was born into this supernatural life, she never had a choice for the things she would have to do. But she did herself justice, made herself a life and became like family to me. I knew at the beginning of the fight, when she was keeping me blocked from her mind, I knew why. She had some kind of plan on her own, I guess she knew she was to die. Alice didn't see it, none of us did. We fought like hell, and for her.

I watched as Jacob held her, completely out of it that he had lost his mate. The pain echoing through the mountains, and in each of us. After I went straight to Bella, too distraught to do anything but hold her. I still felt like that, I wouldn't speak to the rest of my family. They didn't cause it but God it was so hard, an aching in my chest only Bella could cover for a while.

"I know it's overused, but she would want you to be happy." She says timidly.

"You don't have to say that Bell, just having you here with me, makes me the happiest man in the world." I grin up at her.

"He doesn't have her though, have you spoken to him?" I asked she knew I was talking about Jacob, I was expecting the world to be falling apart but instead it was quite, too quite for a man who just lost his soulmate.

"I went over there, but he won't talk he just sits there in the garage, drinking and avoiding everyone. I think something bad is going to happen Edward." She says her voice showing concern.

"I talked to her about their bond, how when she would die he should have died instantly right after. Maybe he is strong enough, to survive that kind of...loss." I say.

I know in this human world, having a mate, a soulmate was myth and fantasy. But we all weren't human, and for some reason the God's believed with all our difference a mate might, settle us within our monsters.

A evil being getting one of the most purest things in the world, but at what cost?

Beth's POV:

We walked out of the castle, Fiocey telling me of how his plan to wipe out more and more elementals was setting in stone today.

In the wide land, I see thousands of his creatures, him in the front of them, what looked like listening to him speak. But as I get closer he isn't talking at all, no he was speaking to them through his mind.

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