Chaos Stirs

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"Fear is a phoenix. You can watch it burn a thousand times and still it will return."

I woke up to an ache in my head

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I woke up to an ache in my head. It was like something was waking me up, I couldn't lay back down because it would bounce me back awake. I decided I would go walk down to the water. Like that would be the only solution to my problem. I threw on a hoodie with my sweatpants and running shoes.

Walking out the door I made sure to close it silently, if grandpa knew I was leaving at 2 in the morning their would be some questions. I walked the trail to the beach using my phone as a flashlight.

It felt good, a peaceful walk just me and the trees. That changed in a matter of seconds when I heard a twig snap, followed by more and more twigs snapping. I wasn't scared I kept telling myself. I wasn't scared, whatever it was. That was till I seen a bent over figure, it looked like a big human but that was before I looked closer to see slime coming from it's face. Dripping down more and more, it's back was moving up and down like it's breathing was hard to come by. That's when it ran at me, it ran like a human. I ran faster, I'd always been good at running I was the fastest girl I'd ever met. That's when I fell, my face hit something, it was a rock. I could feel blood pouring out a bit and I could taste it from my lip.

I got back up, I wasn't dying tonight; not like this. I turn around to see it at my face, and before I knew it I was throwing a punch at it's face. I know it wasn't in my punch that knocked it back, it was like the wind helped me do that.

It got back up, this time I didn't wait I ran, I looked back one more time to see I was losing it's trail; but it was still on me. I turn to face forward only to stop in my trail by another monster. It's face inches away from mine. This one had fangs and was what it looked like a wolf. I studied it closer to see it was the wolf from the other day, the Russet fur and all. It ran around me and jumped at the other monster. Ripping it limb from limb. More came from the trees all different colors one black, one white and tan, another tan colored.

After it was completely destroyed they all turned around slowly to face me. I stood up straight facing them, feeling the blood drip down my face, I touched it and then studied it on my hand. I look back to them and say the only thing I could, "Thank you." That's when it all kicked in back to my brain, I must run, run because I still wasn't safe in a forest full of monsters. I turned and didn't look back, running at my most fastest speed till I made it to my door.

I locked it twice, and then I walked up to my bed not worrying about the cut on my head. Tomorrow I'll get it.

I woke up to banging on my door, 'It's open why are they banging?' I thought. "Bethany open the door!"

"Effie it's us open up are you okay?!" I groan my head throbbed. I walked to my bedroom door to find it was in fact locked, I never would have locked it before. Jace and Paul are standing there at my door.

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