[3] Episode 50 Part 2

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Fade in to Past Church, Caboose, Wolfsen and Tucker standing in front of the tombstones near Blue Base, with Future Church watching from afar

Past Church: Um... Maybe somebody should say something.

Tucker: Okay, go ahead.

Past Church: Not me, jackass. I'm not gonna eulogize myself.

Tucker: What? Why not, I eulogize myself all the time. Wait... I think I don't know what the word eulogize means.

Caboose: Wait, I know how to do this- Dearly beloved

Past Church: No, shut him up, seriously. Shut him up.

Caboose: We are gathered here, today, to witness, the joining together of Tex, and Church, in eternalness together, smuh- speak now! Or forever, rest in peace! With liberty, and justice, for all. The end.

Tucker: Man this funeral is laaaame. If you need me I'll be over by my rock.

Wolfsen: I'm just gonna go back to base...

Past Church: Hey Tucker, can I have a piggy-back ride back to base?

Tucker: No, nonono, I fell for that shit last time, I'm not doing that. That metal suit is like eight thousand pounds.

Past Church: Come on, one more piggy-back ride's not gonna kill ya. I'm in mourning here.

Cut to Future Church

Past Church: I've been through so much. At least help me paint my body blue.

Future Church: Okay. I may not have been able to save myself or Tex, but I still have time to save everybody else if I can just keep the A.I. from getting into Doc, prevent Lopez and Sheila from forming their Robot Army, and somehow figure out a way to stop the war between the Reds and the Blues all together. Huh. What if I... Yeah I'm gonna need some help on this one.

Cut to past Church and Tucker trying to activate the repair function in episode 23

Past Church: Hurhoor... Oh! Hey!

Tucker: Found it?

Past Church: Nah, no wait. All I found was the time and temperature function. It is currently twenty-six degrees, by the way.

Tucker: What? It's not twenty-six degrees out here, that's freezing.

Future Church runs by inside the base, and the camera conveniently cuts to him there

Future Church: Where the hell is that contact info for Blue Command. We really need to standardize the way we handle our information.

Back outside

Tucker: Naw dude, it's more like a ...switch.

Past Church: Well, give it a flip.

Tucker: I don't wanna flip it.

Back inside to Future Church standing in front of “Cabose's Importent Lists of Stuf”

Future Church: Okay, here we go.

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