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Teepakorn house:

Everyone arrived at the dinner table, and Maya place the last dish on the table with the help of Simran. Raj began to wonder watching yummy food in the table as he ask why his mom and his wife cooked special food in dinner tonight and what's the occasion of cooking so many dishes and dessert for dinner. It was everyone's favorite Chicken biryani, Chicken tikka masala and many other chicken recipes including butter naan and raita. Looking at the dishes Tine completely forget that his Mom ever wanted to announce something important. Maya watch her family, everyone seems to be present on dinner table sharp at 8:30 pm. She wanted to do very important announcement in front of everyone.

Mr Anshuman ask Maya to stop creating more suspense because they are getting more hungry and drooling looking all the yummy dishes on the table in front of them but cannot touch until his wife finish her speech. Arya whine "Yes mom please we can't wait anymore tell the news fast" Maya suddenly got up from her chair grinning as she announced "Okay Alright guys". She clear her throat dryly and continued "On this coming Saturday we are having Tine's and Sarawat ENGAGEMENT Ceremony!!" . Everyone at the table got amazed with the news and Tine couldn't believe his Mom just announce his engagement so soon, so fast. Maya look at Tine's amused reaction and so everyone turn their head towards Tine. Tine at first he seems to be shocked with wide eyes and mouth hung open, then suddenly his eyes soften and his lips twitch upward in a grin and his expression change into smiling from ear to ear. Everyone began to cheer and laugh hearing the announcement.

The little boy Yash couldn't understand what happened so he asked his mom, Simran in a cute way "Mom, why everyone is laughing and cheering so loud. And what is the meaning of engagement?".  Simran explain Yash that his uncle Tine is going to engage with  Sarawat whom he'll get marry later. As he will also get new uncle. She reminded the little boy about Sarawat. Then Yash asked his mom "Mom, uncle Sarawat will play with me, and give Chocolate and ice cream like uncle Tine?".  Simran laugh and respond "Yes ..maybe". upon hearing Yash started jumping on his chair, while giggling.  He said sounding cute that his Dad Raj and uncle Tine looks busy with office work, they don't have time to play with me, now he can play with new uncle Sarawat all the games after school. After hearing Yash plans, Tine gave him a slight glare in a very childish way then Arya teased "you can play with him and I'll take him for Shopping, movies and Spa date. It'll be so much fun"  Yash and Arya giggle looking at Tine sour face as everyone started to laughing and teased Tine alot more.

Maya finally ask everyone to start eating dinner. After hearing the announcement Tine's stomach already feels full for some reason, but still he don't want his Maa and Simran to feel bad. So he started eating causing everyone to praise their cooking and for making so many yummy dishes and dessert. Everyone cheers for Tine and finished eating their dinner while chatting and planning. How they would like to do the engagement ceremony, what they will wear, what gifts they should buy for Sarawat and his family. Everyone was throwing question to Tine to find out what he like and dislike? What is his favorite color? and what is his favorite food?. Tine inform them he will give a call to Sarawat and ask him about what are all his likes and dislike.

After dinner Tine walk back into his bedroom and couldn't hold himself up but jump and laugh crazily, knowing he is going to reserve Sarawat officially for himself, if someone will watch him they might think that Tine Teepakorn is gone crazy but in sometime he calmed himself down then he picked up his phone and dialled Sarawat mobile number.

At Guntithanon house:

As soon as Uma came back home with Sarawat she started calling her husband and Sam name very loudly, everyone came running to her, looking all scared and breathless as if what happened.  Sarawat began to look more scared what happened suddenly to his mom when she was absolutely fine a minute ago, everyone stand in front of her observing her and her excitement. She was smiling widely in happiness. Mr Guntithanon ask Uma what happened? Why she is calling everyone like a crazy women?. She glares her husband for mocking her but composed herself and explain the good news "There's a good news and I just can't wait to share with you guys" Sam and Ram ask her in unison "What good news she want to tell them". Uma clears her throat and said "On this coming Saturday we are having Sarawat and Tine's ENGAGEMENT ceremony".

Mr Guntithanon ask her how all of a sudden?? She just went to meet priest but coming back with engagement date? Uma then explain everyone that she and Maya matched boys birth chart she further  explained that, the priest inform the boys are destined to be together. They are made for each other's match, instead of wasting more time and live in separation it will be better to get them married if both families don't mind let them be together with each other, so we both mom's took the decision to get them officially engaged as soon as possible. We decide after a month or so on a nice occasion we can get both boys married. Even  priest also suggested we can do the presentment and engagement on the same day.

Sarawat got shocked with the news, he didn't expected this soon he'll get engaged with Tine. He will be going to get engage with Tine Teepakorn. Sarawat took some time to absorb the news. And Sam suddenly started dancing holding hands of Sarawat and Uma then after few second Mr Guntithanon also joined the group dance. Sam immediately put the wedding songs on spotify with full volume on his phone and started celebrating with his family. Sarawat saw his engagement news brought so much happiness into his family and he should thank only Tine for giving them the reason to celebrate and be happy. Also last but not least for choosing someone ordinary like him as his future life partner otherwise he wouldn't be able to see his family this much overjoyed🥳🥳.

After dancing and celebrating for more than an hour on almost all the wedding songs everybody got very tired the family went to relax in their respective rooms but before going to their respective room Mr Guntithanon announce "This Good News call for a small family celebration. We're going out for dinner", so the Guntithanon family decided they will give day off to Uma from cooking dinner for giving everyone good news and they will go out and have dinner in their favorite restaurant. After hearing the family will go to their favorite restaurant Sarawat and Sam become more happy like kids.

Evening came early for everyone, Guntithanon family get down from the car to go inside their favorite restaurant that is 'Mao Family Restaurant' The food in this restaurant is very tasty and delicious Guntithanon family always come to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries together, they don't arrange for big parties just celebrating with family with good food is more satisfying to them. Everyone ask Uma to order for them she knows better everybody's favorite food but Uma seems little off after reaching the restaurant, lost in her own thoughts Sarawat took mental note to ask his mom later what's bothering her. Uma ordered Sarawat's favorite dishes causing him look at his mom, that's when a tear drop on her cheek. Immediately Sarawat got up from his seat and kneel down near Uma's chair and ask "is everything okay mom", Uma couldn't hold back and she pulled Sarawat in a tight hug. Sarswat stayed in Uma embrace for a minute as she began to get emotional. She explained after wedding she's going to miss her son very much, after engagement Sarawat will belong to Tine, her small baby has grown up so fast. Upon hearing Sarawat couldn't help but also felt emotional. There's just few days left and he'll left his loving family. Even when Sarawat will get married he will get very busy taking care of his new family.

Sam and Mr Guntithanon look at each other and felt emotional for Uma and Sarawat, when Mr Guntithanon brought Sarawat home Sam was already 3 years old but still Uma got more attached to his elder son. She always accepted Sarawat as her real son, she always love the sweet boy unconditionally like his real mother should also Ram and Sam accepted Sarawat wholeheartedly into their family. Watching Uma and Sarawat breakdown both Ram and Sam thought not to disturb let them be in each other embrace for some more time, but suddenly Sarawat phone started ringing breaking their emotional moment.

Sam look at the caller name and picked up Sarawat's phone which was placed on the table. While smirking Sam handover the phone to Sarawat, Uma saw the Tine's name was flashing on screen. Uma quickly left Sarawat and urge him to go and take the call. She doesn't wanted Tine to  wait more by the time Sarawat went to take the call. Guntintinon family decide to wait for their order.

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