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Saturday night:

Tine bend down, put Sarawat's pants on, and drag him to bathroom, once they both reach he started taking off again, Sarawat's clothes, Sarawat scared and confused, he stuttered but ask "w what are you doing?", Tine raised his eyebrows, but answer his baby sternly "taking you to shower", Tine started opening his pants and shirt and the face Sarawat made was the best shocking face ever made by him in his life and he asked Tine again stuttering all confused "huh w w what.........w w why, I a already took my s shower w when I c come b back?", by this time Tine had already took off his shirt and pants, leaving Sarawat alone in his boxer. Tine again sternly said tucking his 2 fingers in Sarawat's waistband pulling him close to his face, fingers which was easily touching his crotch lightly "that Mike was all over you during the ceremony and I don't like it",

Sarawat gulped after hearing his man being this possessive over him, with his best friend. Sarawat said very slowly and softly looking down, when Tine turned to take off his shirt, "Mike is m my b best f friend", Tine immediately turn around and tilt his head and ask him "how many more do you have like him?" Sarawat know this dangerous tone again, he thought ohh God! Someone save me. Sarawat was looking down and he close his eyes hearing Tine's question he said stuttering again "I I only have o one friend m Mike o only". Tine came close to Sarawat face and ask to confirm that he is hearing right " you got only one friend Mike? " Sarawat gulped and slowly nods his head up and down. Tine was amused hearing Sarawat answer, he knew his baby is not a public person, or say he is very shy and reserve but having only one friend in his whole life until the 23 years of age is difficult to digest for someone like Tine Teepakorn who is fun, outgoing and successful in business world, girls and boys always flock around him, everyone want to get close to him, and on top he got so many friends, he don't even remember them. Tine felt bad for his fiance, but he still doesn't like Mike, so he said to Sarawat "I still don't like him, he was touching you everywhere, come take shower with me". Sarawat eyes got widened so big like it will definitely come out, his heart is definitely going to explode anytime if Tine don't stop talking this blantly about taking shower together that is low-key getting all naked together under shower.

Sarawat was still trying to absorb what Tine is demanding from him, but now realize that Tine is completely naked without his boxer and he is under shower and waiting for Sarawat to come and join him under shower, Sarawat immediately turned around his back facing Tine. Tine call him "baby come, you will catch cold", Sarawat shut his eyes tightly and afraid to reject the offer of showering together, but he don't have a one percent guts to take shower with Tine, not even in his dreams he can think of having one.

Sarawat just glued himself on the same spot, so Tine just turned off the shower knob, came out and drag his baby , opened the knobs both got under the shower, water drizzling on both head Sarawat immediately covered his chest standing in front of Tine, feeling very shy exposing his body from head to toe only leaving his boxer that also not doing his job properly. Tine chuckled watching the view in front of him, he really love his fiance too much. He hold Sarawat's hand firmly and put down each side, and said all syllable clearly " I love every inch of your body, never ever hide yourself from me, all these are mine," and he pointed his finger to his chest and said again "all this is yours", Sarawat can only nods his head.

Tine tucked in his 2 fingers under Sarawat's boxer and pushed down all the way, and pushed it out of the shower area, Sarawat believe everything Tine says, he should not get shy from him, Tine is his, and Sarawat's body, heart and soul everything belong to Tine. Sarawat was in deep thoughts, Tine came close and put some shampoo on Sarawat's head washing his hair, he look up at Tine's face , Tine controlling his urge NOT to take his boy right there and then but just pretending to wash his baby's hair with full concentration and innocent Sarawat gave him a very sweet smile, Tine smile back, both the boys was fighting the biggest battle to keep their hand to themselves and not to do any funny business under shower again, but still little bit of touch here and there is not harmful so after 15 min both the boys were out of the shower and dressed.

Both the boys were just chilling sitting down on floor near the bed, Tine pulled his baby on his lap Sarawat told him about Mike, his only friend, more like a brother, he was always there for him since his school days, just few months ago he shifted to another state for job purpose, and he came today specially to attend our engagement, Tine observe Sarawat was smiling when he was talking about Mike, his insecurities not faded completely but he trust his baby with all his heart, so he doesn't need to fear of anything with Mike nearness.

Tine also informed Sarawat he got many friends here in India and out of country , some are college friends and other he knows are through business ventures. Else he got 2 bestest friend, and they are more like brother to him, they are together since school days Sarawat ask him why he didn't invite them today for engagement ceremony, Tine said he did invite them, but both of his friends were backout because of some emergency so they couldn't attend the ceremony. Tine informed Sarawat when he came few hours before he was talking to them on call, Tine asked Sarawat would he like to meet his friends, and Sarawat nodded his head, and Tine got excited, knowing finally his friends will meet the person who stole his heart, and after some day he is going to steal his last name too. Tine said very soon he will introduce him to his best friends.

After talking about their friends, and little bit of teasing and flirting both boys went to bed they cuddle a bit, but both were already exhausted so they went to sleep, Raj opened the door, and enter quietly when he didn't get any response after knocking several times, behind him was Simran, then both Moms, then Sam and Arya and behind everyone was Mike. Tine feel the strong stare on him in his deep sleep, he flutter open his eyes and saw the whole family on their phone, taking their pictures, when the boys are cuddling on bed. Tine closed his eyes, took a deep breath and opened his eyes and saw that everyone is froze on their spot . Sarawat was still in his deep sleep though. Tine mouthed everyone without sounding he said. "GO", he untangled himself from Sarawat, tucked him properly under duvets, kissed his head lightly, and went out without making any noise.

When he came out everyone started muffled laughing on Tine, Tine just shake his head on his crazy family. Maya inform Tine that they are all leaving to go back home, it was already 2 AM in the morning, Tine don't wanted to leave his sleeping baby, he was contemplating on , but right then he received a call from his friends to meet it's urgent. Tine informed Maya they all should go home, he is going to his best friend house, and later he will come home. They all agreed, Tine ask Uma to let Sarawat sleep he was very tired and exhausted from working whole day and with ceremony. Uma understand though but she felt happy watching Tine's concerned for her son.

Tine went back to the guestroom, to see his sleeping baby one last time before he leaves to go to his friends house. Sarawat was sleeping, he touch his head, kiss his head softly and whispered his 'I love you' and left to go to his friends place.

Once he reach his best friend room he was shocked looking at the disaster in every corner of the room, everything was broken vase, glasses shattered on the floor, it was a complete mess. He saw his best friend is crying his heart out on his other friend chest and he is hugging him tightly. Tine can't believe his eyes, that one day he will see his best friend crying like this for his love....

Tine : where are you sending me

Sarawat : where are you sending my fiance

Pavel : shall I come babe, if you feel lonely I will entertain you

Tine : at night there is quarantine curfew, stay where you are

Me : 😑😑

Readers : then why you sending Tine in curfew

Me : how my story will progress if Tine won't move his ass 😅😅

Readers / Tine/ Sarawat : 😑😑😑

Don't forget to let me know, how was this chapter and please hit that Star below to see next update

Thank you for reading " happiness " with Sarawat and Tine, you guys really make this story my happy place. And i really not got any friends in my real life, Sarawat is very lucky at least he got Mike in his life, but there are so many people like me here , so reach out to me through message or comments or through message board and let's all be friends with each other. Having friends in life is very important, no need to be physically present all the time, but just to share some important moment of life where the world being bitch, and need one person to listen without interruption. That's all,

Tine : I know low-key you are just jealous, coz I got many friends and you don't

Me : 😑😑

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