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Life happens and I wrote this chapter. So next update will be on daddy's birthday look forward to it please 🙏🙏 😘😘

Sarawat saw some blood pooled around kitchen floor he started to panicked, Mew saw Sarawat walking near kitchen with shaky legs, he was behind him where he saw all blood on floor scattered around. Mew hold him in his arms lightly just not to let him fall, he is trying to support his body which already lost his complete strength looking at his friend blood all around kitchen area, he almost forget how to breathe, Sarawat started crying, tears non stop flowing thinking definitely he is late to come and save his friend, why didn't he called him during afternoon because he was occupied with his new friends and his work, if he didn't procrastinate calling his friend untill evening, he wouldn't have done this maybe he would have reach on time. Sarawat started blaming himself, Mew try to utter some words to console him but it was useless. Mew said his friend will be fine he shouldn't think negative, or something bad happened to him. Mew fished out his phone and dialled his assistant Gulf number, he informed him about the matter and ask him to find out about Mike, urgently.

Sarawat was in Mew hold crying continuously and blaming himself for not being there with him when he needed him the most, the blood scattered near him making him feel more guilty, Mew was trying his best to comforting him, he was rubbing Sarawat back taking him in his arms to make him relaxed. Mew felt someone his watching them from back as soon as he turned around there were no one, maybe it his illusion so just shrugged his thoughts. In few minutes, Mew got the information about the certain hospital where Mike is admitted, he ask Sarawat, that someone already took him to hospital we should go and see how is Mike. Sarawat immediately got up supporting Mew hand and both boys started driving towards hospital after reaching there.

Sarawat immediately run to reception and ask for Mike room number, the receptionist freeze looking at Mew then she inform Sarawat Fourth Floor, Room no 202. Sarawat and Mew run towards lift, but lift was taking time, so Sarawat run towards staircase, Mew calling his name for asking him to slow down a bit but he was just not listening to anything, while running Sarawat tripped on staircase Mew immediately hold him in his arms by reflex, Sarawat immediately composed himself balance his body again and start to run, he don't want to waste single second he was just thinking about Mike wellbeing, how he will see him, in what condition he might be in. Sarawat and Mew both reach on the fourth floor, the ward boy was passing through them, Sarawat ask him holding his arm " r room n no 202, the ward boy showed him left side of the lift. Both boys muttered their Thankyou and start running again.

Sarawat saw a man standing outside Mike room, he is rubbing his temple looking all dejected and sad, but right now he is not important, Sarawat hand reach at the door knob but afraid to open the door, his hand is shaking, he is not ready to see Mike lying on hospital bed in any condition, his heart is not strong to see his friend. He feels weak, he is dizzy and he want his friend back safe and sound and in one piece. He don't want to loose his friend his brother. Sarawat suddenly pause at the door, Mew pat him on his shoulder to bring him back from his reverie, Mew muttered softly holding him in his arm, " your friend is fine, don't worry Wat". Mew put his palm on Sarawat hand and he open the door.

Sarawat walk slowly, near Mike, the smell of disinfectant, the bandage on his friend wrist, and medicine on his side table, all this reminded him how much he hates hospital. The nurse saw both boys entering Mike rooms she tell Mew, " don't disturb the patient". Mew nods his head Sarawat sat down next to his friend bed, just staring him reminiscing the old times they spend together all this years, studying his friend physic who looks like a lifeless soul who's in deep slumber lying on hospital bed. How broken he looks right now, he is not his friend. His friend lips never stop smiling at all these years. Sarawat muffled crying slowly, his tear non stop flowing from his swallon red eyes, as if there's no end of it. Mew patting his back in comforting way. He definitely feeling the pain Sarawat going through he know the boy is not strong to see his friend in this condition, and thanking God at least he can accompany this fragile boy at the moment.

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