20 🔞

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Sarawat walk downstairs back with Yash, he saw everyone was discussing and laughing. Then soon Tine walk downstairs after knowing his boy is already in the house waiting for him he couldn't waste more time. After reaching Tine greet politely to Uma and Ram they both hug him warmly one by one and Tine gave a bro hug to Sam. Then he saw Yash was already sitting on Sarawat lap, he went near them and sat beside Sarawat, who started to avoid Tine unintentionally. Sarawat was so much involved listening Yash about his school events and telling about his friend and teachers, Sarawat couldn't do much after knowing Tine sitting beside him though. Tine tried to get some attention from his boy, by disturbing Yash few time or by starting new conversation but Sarawat just nods and turned back his attention towards Yash. In few minutes Yash shouted "Mom, You know Uncle Wat cooked cupcakes for me. I want to eat after lunch let's all eat lunch, now?" . Whole familystarted laughing at Yash excitement and settled down to eat lunch together.

Tine and Sarawat seated next to each other on the dinning table. Simran smirk and pass the food bowl to Sarawat, he shyly grab the bowl and began to serve food first into Tine's plate and then to himself. Everyone felt nice to see both boys getting along very well already. Whole family started feasting, Tine glances few time at Sarawat hand because, he wanted to hold his hand which he never get a chance to do before but the boy hand never came down on his lap for the entire time. Sarawat was eating and again busy with Yash helping him to eat and hearing his stories. Arya and Sam were talking non-stop about this and that and making joke's on each other. Elders were having their own topic of discussion somehow lunch finish after more than an hour later and then , Maya announced "It time to eat cupcakes" Sarawat and Sam prepare cute looking cupcakes for everyone.

Everyone was just in awe looking at the beautiful cupcakes, they didn't believe it's for eating, it was looking so pretty, Maya and Simran was surprised with the cupcakes decorations, Uma told that "Sarawat made this for everyone, with the help of Sam", and Tine couldn't help but feel proud that his fiance to be is so talented, then there was another small box, Sarawat took that small box to Yash and ask him to open it, The cupcakes were specially made for him. Yash got very excited to look animal shaped cupcakes and open it quickly and jumped on Sarawat's arms and rained kiss him on his face muttering his Thankyou in cute way.

Sarawat started giggling and kissing back Yash, they both were looking so cute together, Everyone just watching them in awe, happy to see so soon they get along with each other, after few minutes Sarawat saw everyone's attention on them, he immediately swallowed his saliva and stop giggling and his eyes landed straight on Tine, Tine was completely astounded looking Sarawat giggling with Yash like a kid, his heart just blast thousands times on the spot from happiness watching his boy melodious laugh and hearing him giggling, his boy going to be his death that is sure, his laugh makes his heart flutter to the core. Tine just want to squished him and keep him in his pocket.

Yash jump down from Sarawat hold and ask everyone to see what Uncle Wat has prepared for him, and again everyone was in awe looking Sarawat cute animals face cupcakes, they can't believe there eyes, the cupcakes are looking so cute. Tine came near Yash and ask him "this are too many, you must share with me some", Yash immediately answers him, "I'm not going to share with anyone, this made by my favorite Uncle Wat". Tine pout after hearing Yash answer and he gave a sulking look to Sarawat, while in response Sarawat only gave sweet smile to Tine's childish act and shake his head. Everyone began eating their dessert half-heartedly, nobody wanted to destroy their beautiful looking cupcakes. The topics was no where to get finished, Yash and Sarawat were sticking like a glue all the time, as usual very busy in their own world. Sarawat was completely immersed in Yash cute stories, he hardly spear any glances towards Tine. After a while Tine was really getting irritated now, because his boy was not giving him any attention. It was already 3pm, and Tine has to leave for the airport at 7 pm, he only got 4 hours to spend but seems Sarawat got some important discussion going on with little master - Yash, so he decided to just go and pack his stuff and clothes meanwhile which was still overdue.

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