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Tine walk downstairs for breakfast, after taking his quick shower, Sarawat lend him new white t-shirt and black trouser. When he saw Tine is walking immediately his brain flashes him the image of Tine's naked chest, hard muscle  causing Sarawat face feels hot just thinking about it. Uma was already present on the dining table, Tine greet her "Good mornings Mom" she gets up and hug Tine pulling him to sit next to her and have breakfast. She question Tine "Did you slept well, dear?" Tine answer her politely "Yes mom, and Sorry for troubling everyone last night",  Uma response smiling "Don't worry about that, you're always welcome to do stay over whenever you want", Tine felt little shy though hearing Tine getting full permission to do stay over. Uma put some pancakes with some honey and little butter on the top and forward the breakfast plate to Tine saying "Wat made this pancakes... Specially for you", Sarawat was hesitating to give Tine his cooked breakfast but it was already too late and  he felt little scared if Tine won't like it, so he throws a light glare towards his mom which Uma shrugs even though Tine  catches his baby look perfectly. Tine  chuckled at that "Yum pancakes look good, can't wait to have it", Sarawat cheeks already got all pink, he looked at Tine shyly.

In reality Tine couldn't help it was really looking and smelling delicious. He cut the small piece of it to eat but before he  took the pieces of pancakes inside his mouth his gaze went up to see Sarawat who was eagerly watching him, to read his expression. Tine put the pieces of pancakes inside his mouth and moans and praise "Mnn this is so delicious, very good" Sarawat smiled widely hearing that he felt so happy when Tine praise his pancakes. Uma smile at the two then she ask her son "There Tine liked your pancakes and already eaten now you can have your breakfast too. You must be hungry too",  after hearing Uma words Tine almost choked on his pancakes he looked at Uma confusingly. She handed Tine a glass of water and further added when Tine stop coughing "My son woke up early to prepare this breakfast. He was waiting for you to eat first". Tine turned his head and look at his shy baby with so much love that he forgot everything his eyes were intact on Sarawat in front.

Suddenly Uma phone started ringing, she saw the name Maya and excuse herself to answer it, Sarawat felt really very shy having Tine's intense gaze. To hide his shyness Sarawat began to sip his coffee slowly avoid meeting Tine's eyes. Tine was still lost, looking at him with softest gaze. After a moment Sarawat observe Tine has stop eating, he began to think that Tine didn't like the breakfast he made for him. He softly muttered "I... if you didn't like it's okay, you can have ch... cheese paratha or this toast mom cooking is delicious". Tine shake his head and went back to eating. He quietly finished eating his breakfast. Uma saw the boys were ready to leave. She walk out from her hiding place, pretending normal and casualty ask "Ready to go to work son?"

Tine got up from the table, and politely answered "Yes Mom. Thankyou for the breakfast".  Uma then ask Tine "Tine son, You're always welcome. We are not old fashioned parents". Tine gave a shy smile and just nodded is head silently agreeing. Then Uma look at Sarawat and she ask her son "You are also leaving for work son?", Sarawat nod his head and Tine said "I will drop him off don't worry Mom", Sarawat wanted to protest, he doesn't want Tine to get late for work because of him, he tried saying that he will take his car but before he could Uma beat him by commanding "Tine going through the same route, he can drop you. Also you didn't sleep well last night, I will be worried let Tine drop you today". Sarawat again try to open his mouth to protest but this time Tine beat softly said "I'll drop You. Let's go" Sarawat pursed his lips and nod his head. Uma gave a quick hug to both the boys as they left for their work leaving Uma to squeal like a fan girl behind them.

Tine was driving but his mind was somewhere else deeply thinking about Sarawat. He don't understand the feeling after he heard Sarawat was waiting for him to eat his breakfast first. He prepared those things for him even though he couldn't able to slept well last night. Sarawat wanted him to eat first before him. The small gesture of his sweet baby really touch his heart to the core. Tine never  met anyone so selfless, he never had anyone other than his mother who showed him this kind of caring, concern and affection. He felt so happy but at the same time so stupid to keep his baby waiting for breakfast. In all truth Sarawat doesn't have to do all this, because Tine is someone who will never ask or demand such things, Tine feelings for Sarawat will remain same  and it'll never change. He just like him too much for his own good. After today his feelings grew more for and it's not same anymore the feeling he was having for Sarawat is beyond and above  everything. As if like he won a war against the world. He was happy to find someone who got a special place for him and it's none other than his cute Sarawat.

Sarawat is a man with few words, maybe he don't speak much, maybe he can't express himself too well, but his actions speak more louder than words  or what Tine can do. Tine may be vocal in expressing his thoughts and wants and it's easy for everyone but instead of using words his boy's actions speak for him, always keeping others needs ahead of him, always selfless, finding happiness in small things. Keeping the person ahead who he is going to marry him is the kind of person Sarawat is. Tine felt so proud and top of the world to be that special person for Sarawat. His lifes best decision ever choosing Sarawat as a life partner and he promised to himself that he'll never take Sarawat for granted and always appreciate his doing. Tine cannot have better life partner than Sarawat. He will never leave Sarawat not even when world fall apart. Sarawat will be his and only become his wife. Sarawat belongs to Tine always and forever.

Tine didn't realize he reach, Asia Cafe they didn't talk at all whole ride was silent. Tine stop his car in front of the Cafe. Soon Sarawat gave Tine very small smile and unbuckle his seatbelt then turn around to get down but instead Tine suddenly stop him holding Sarawat arm. Sarawat breath hitched at the sudden gesture, he look where Tine hand was holding him. Sarawat tried to relax under Tine's touch as he stop moving nervously looking down on to his lap waiting for Tine to speak. Tine  sigh he got so many things to explain Sarawat that they are in this relationship together. Sarawat don't have to put himself behind for Tine. Sarawat is equal to him but Tine just don't know how to put his thoughts into words for Sarawat to understand, one wrong word can break the poor boy heart so the only thing came from his mouth was "err umm pancakes was really delicious, please cook again next time". Sarawat nodded his head happily, smiling brightly after hearing Tine. Sarawat gets down and close Tine's car door as he start walking towards the enterance of Asia Cafe.

Tine watching Sarawat back figure walking away from him. He doesn't want him to leave just yet as he  called out bit louder "Baby!" Sarawat abruptly stop on his track hearing Tine voice and turned around. Tine quickly gets down from his car and jogs to the place where Sarawat was standing still watching him. He wait for Tine to say he breath out "I.. I will come to pick you from work at 5". Sarawat shake his head once again to protest saying "I will c call t taxi you don't have to". Tine cuts him off  "..No wait for me, I won't get late today". Sarawat nodded his head  looking down on the ground. Tine raise his hand a little, put his fingers in Sarawat's silky smooth hair softly. He leaned then kissed Sarawat cheek and walk away immediately. Sarawat was shocked was understatement he just kept standing still looking at Tine and his car until it got gets disappear from his sight. Sarawat touch his cheek with his fingers and smile widely.

Sarawat: why did you kiss me in public

Tine : why didn't we kiss on the lips

Me: you both know this is fiction right

Tine: next time don't come to us for help

Me: okay okay I will try give you guys little privacy in next update

Tine: I don't trust you until you give us some privacy

Me: aren't we getting more demanding 🙄

Next chapter you guys will find out who is this cute stranger, and what he will offer Sarawat, and most important question will find out how sharp is Sarawat memory 😅😅

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