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Early update only for my lovely Readers enjoy!!

Pavel : I am scared

Me: why?

Tine : today he will kiss ??

Sarawat : who

Tine: who no, ask what

Sarawat : what ?

Tine : Readers sandal

Me : 🙈🙈

Monday Morning

Sarawat got up with grumpy mood, you know one of those days..... He got ready for work, came out of his bedroom and saw Uma cooking breakfast for everyone, Sarawat didn't forgot his boss behavior, what he did on Saturday, but it's also not easy to find a new job quickly, he had to go and see the situation, if needed he will definitely resign from his job. So he took his breakfast and left his home, on the way he got a call from Tine, but he was driving so he couldn't answer his phone, he thought when he will reach his cafe he will call back his fiance.

As soon as he reached, he call Tine, Tine picked up and answered immediately

Tine : hello baby

Sarawat : hmm you called

Tine : yes baby I didn't able to call you last night, I was with my friends then they plan drinking so we just got wasted and I.....

Sarawat : hmmm so

Tine : so ?

Sarawat : you called me too inform that you got drunk last night

Tine : baby are you perhaps angry ?

Sarawat : n no.... I I am not angry

Tine : tell me baby what happened?

Sarawat : ....... You forgot to call me last night

Tine : no baby I swear I didn't forgot you, I just got drunk, and you know........ okay, I am ready for your punishment, just don't be angry pwease!!

Sarawat : hmm okay

Tine : okay what ?

Sarawat : say I..... I love you 5 times

Tine : Really now, baby I am in lift with my other office staff

Sarawat : n now

Tine : okay-okay...... I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.

Sarawat : I love you too bye

Sarawat smiling thinking about his poor fiance, who got punish in front of his office staff unnecessary, but Sarawat missed the person standing just outside his car, waiting for him, Pavel waiting outside Sarawat's car with flowers in hand, but also hearing everything what Sarawat is talking on the phone, Pavel already started thinking in future Sarawat will also talk to him likewise.

Pavel finding Sarawat is so cute like this smiling and giggling over a phone call, he really can't resist his cuteness. His thoughts wanders to, if he wins Sarawat's heart, then all Sarawat's smile and giggles everything belong to him, Sarawat will laugh, smile, giggle for him only. Pavel definitely make Sarawat fall for him he promised to himself. His sole goal from today is "win heart of Sarawat".

Sarawat came out of his car, and saw Pavel again with flowers in his hand and smiling. Sarawat sigh and lock his car and started walking towards entrance, but Pavel call his name, and stop in front of Sarawat. Sarawat waiting for him to speak first, and Pavel seems to be thinking, where to start talking, so he start with "s sorry, I I am very sorry for what I did on Saturday, I just wanted to spend some time with you, because I really really like you, no I love you please give me one chance I will do anything for you". Sarawat sigh loudly, and start walking without giving any answer with poker face. Pavel just watch Sarawat walk away leaving him alone on his spot, for God know how many times now.

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