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Congratulations to Us because Happiness' is trending on 🥇1 under #win it's all happened because of your constant support Thankyou very much to each and every Reader. I love you all muahhhh 😘😘😘😘

Tine/ Sarawat / Readers : let's party 🍺🍻

Me : let's party, but who will pay for drinks

Win Metawin : Me

Bright : why you? You are not working in fiction and I heard this author doesn't pay

Win: so what at least this author get us engaged and let me play Dom over you unlike other where you dominate my ass

Bright : 😑😑

It was around, 9AM when Sarawat opened his eyes, and immediately feel sore, he let a low ouch sound, as soon as he felt a sting in his ass, but stop himself from making it loud he saw his bun is sleeping soundly on his bed, he bend to him and kissed his cheeks gently then he tried to get up somehow, he managed to reach his bathroom, he got fresh and hot took shower which help his ass feel better, he get dressed and came out from his bedroom. When he reached down he saw someone is already prepared travel bags to go out .

Sarawat went to his kitchen and ask his Mom if again his Dad is going on trip for business, then Uma inform him that she is going with Ram as well. Ram is going for business trip to Gujrat so he ask her to go with him after attending conference, they both can do some wedding shopping. Sarawat hummed in response and asked when they will come back, then Uma inform him that they are going for 3 days. They will catch flight today around 2 in the afternoon and come back on Wednesday night.

Uma ask Sarawat what about his work, is he taking leave today, Sarawat denied saying he already took enough sick leaves for this month now he cannot afford any more, if he take any leave it will be his paid leave so he will go but little late after sending back his fiance. Uma start preparing breakfast for his son, right then Tine came out from Sarawat bedroom that too without any t-shirt in just his sweatpants. Sarawat lazily look at his shameless fiance who is coming towards him without any shirt, his eyes landed on his neck and for a second he forget how to breathe looking all rashes red marks on his fiance torse

Sarawat turned his face towards Uma who is busy preparing coffee for her son, facing back to them. Sarawat got up immediately and come to Tine and dragged him back to his bedroom. Tine was about to say something when he suddenly got shocked when his baby instead of a smile gave him a hard glare and started dragging him back again to his bedroom from where he just came from.

Sarawat ask Tine worriedly, "what is this bun?", Tine gave him confused look, asking him back "what?". Sarawat pull him near his dressing table mirror, and showed him his neck ask him again "this, what happened to you"?. Tine saw touching his fingers on all his hickies. He smirked on his baby, pulling him by his waist he teasingly ask him " you say kitten, because you are the one who did this", Sarawat got shocked hearing Tine, he touch all those mark he left on his fiance last night. He ask him again to confirm " I I d did this to y you?"

Tine just wanted to tease his baby, but he didn't expected to see tears in his eyes. His teasing mood suddenly drop he worriedly ask him, "hey why you crying baby?. Sarawat felt very bad, for scratching his fiance like a real cat. He feels guilty for behaving so bad towards him, and he unknowingly gave so much pain to his fiance. Sarawat very softly said 'I I am s sorry bun" Tine slowly wipe his tears from his baby's pink cheeks he kissed his forehead and embrace him in his tight hug and told him that "looking at his marks make him extremely happy, he doesn't have to feel guilty because this marks only prove that his body belong to his baby the same way his baby belong to him".

Sarawat still feeling bad no matter what his fiance was saying. He immediately pulled himself apart from hug and opened his dressing drawer there he got neosporin ointment. He put it on Tine's neck, his shoulder blade and on his chest feeling extremely embarrass for hurting his fiance. Tine let Sarawat do what he want he just kept silent watching this baby's worried eyes on his torse. When Sarawat finished putting ointment he gave his light cotton t-shirt to wear. Tine wore it and both boys went down again to Uma who was cutting veggies for preparing lunch.

When Tine and Sarawat went back to kitchen, Uma ask Tine did he sleep well, Tine hug her and said yes, then he also ask Uma, looking all packed bags, Uma inform him that she and Ram going to Gujrat for 3 days, then she also ask Tine to take care of Sarawat as she is not here in state. Tine assured her not to worry, he will be in touch with both the boys. She should just enjoy the trip.

Uma served breakfast to Sarawat and Tine, after breakfast Sarawat help Uma clean kitchen. Uma ask Sarawat that take care of himself and Sam, if he get any trouble he can call them or ask Tine. Sarawat nods at Uma and hug her tightly saying safe flight and come back soon then Tine asked Sarawat to get ready he will drop him for work on the way and he will go back home to get ready for his work. Sarawat obliged with the request, and went to his bedroom to get ready. After 10 minutes he came back, both boys bid there Goodbye to Uma and left Guntithanon house.

Tine drive Sarawat to Asia Cafe, it was around, 10:20 AM, Sarawat was silent, the whole ride, what ever Tine ask him he seems distracted and answer him in one word. Tine sigh and Sarawat was about to go out from the car, but Tine hold his hand stopping him from going out. He ask his baby what happened why he seems off, Sarawat explain that he is really feeling bad, for scratching him, he didn't realize what he was doing and how can he loose his control over himself and behave like an animal. Tine don't know weather he should laugh or cry on his innocent baby. He chuckled at him and said, " you already know what daddy's favorite food is, but now daddy also know what his kitten favorite food is".

Hearing Tine, Sarawat felt extremely shy, and he shyly smiled and nods his head. He muttered softly "bye" and get down from Tine's car. After getting down he only took two step when Tine called him. Sarawat stopped on his track and turned back he saw Tine coming out of his car, when Tine reach to him, he informed Sarawat that he completely forget to tell him that his friend Mike called him this early morning, but he was sleeping so he ask him to call you later. Sarawat smile and said Thankyou to Tine for telling him about Mike call he ask him he will call his friend later. Tine kissed his baby's forehead and Sarawat gave him small hug, then he turned around and left Tine to go to his work.

Mike: finally I am back

Tine : no one called you, you can go back to your wife

Sarawat : Mike my best friend I miss you

Tine : okay I am going then you guys catch up...

Sarawat : okay jaanu bye take care ceyaa

Tine : I am really going baby....

Sarawat : no problem bye bye jaanu

Tine : I am really really going leaving you with this tiktok dancer

Sarawat : Thankyou by bye jaanu

Tine : you seriously want me to go....

Sarawat : nope I am just playing with you

Mike : 😂 😂

Tine : 😑😑

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Next updates will give you bit of drama again and someone's wedding is around the corner, get your outfits ready because we are inviting everyone.

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