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Omy inform Kristy that he is due next week, but Kristy ask him he still want to do his body check up, Omy inform him that he is bit busy right now, as exams are soon approaching so he will definitely come and do full body check up after few days Kristy agreed to it, but he percribed Omy some vitamins and Iron tablets, he also put reminder in his phone to remind Omy again to come for body check up. It's been more than 2 hours, all four chatting Kristy ask Omy he is not trying to pursue his man, Omy said he is trying but each passing day makes him feel more difficult to get him. PV shows him concerns about his health, even he observe that he is not eating properly these few days he always scold him for not taking proper care of himself, but he still says he look me only as a friend and he can't think about relationship for the moment. Other three feeling bad for Omy, they told him, he is not alone anymore. He can call him for anything and anytime. They are meeting on Friday he should come but Kristy interrupt and inform them he got an conference to attend at Pune so he cannot joined, then they all decided to shift their meetup to next weekend.

It's already dark outside, clock showing 7 PM. When Uma entered, she heard loud noise of laughter and cheering of boys. She quietly open Sarawat bedroom door. And saw Sam and Green playing Xbox Nintendo together and other boys were eating and drinking soft drinks, chatting, teasing. Uma suddenly felt emotional watching Sarawat laughing and joking with his new friends. Kristy saw Uma standing at the door, her eyes is glistening with tears. He got up and went to her. He worriedly ask her "what happened Aunty?, Why are you crying?", Suddenly everybody's attention went to Uma and Kristy. Kristy bring Uma inside and make her sit give her glass of soft drink. When Uma felt better She said this is the first time her elder son brought his friends home except Mike. And she is very happy watching her son playing , joking and laughing like this. And very soon he will left this house too. She will feel very lonely without her favorite son around.

Everyone tried consoling her, that not to worry, they will keep on coming to play games with Sam and meet her. Uma felt so close to all the boys that like they know each other for long. Ram came back from office, he heard loud cheering and laughter noises, he too entered Sarawat's bedroom slowly and saw all the boys circling Uma and giving side hug, and smiling. This time Omy catch Ram peeping inside bedroom. He invite Ram inside. Everyone started introducing each other. After few minutes of talking to each other Uma convinced everyone should stay for dinner she is going to cook. But Ram stop her by saying she must be tired staying outside whole day, let him order food for everybody for today and because even he is very happy meeting his son's friends.

Dinner finished till 10:30 PM, after dinner everyone left Guntithanon house reluctantly with the promise they will come back soon. They all thank Uma and Ram for dinner. Everyone bid their Goodbye to each other, Uma ask all the boys that she will invite soon again to eat her handmade food and boys also ask Uma and Ram they would like to help them for wedding preparations. Uma promised them that she will definitely call them for help.

It was 11:30 PM. Tine reached home from his office, Maya was waiting for him, as usual. She saw Tine is tired , she asked her son to get fresh she is heating his food. Tine ate his dinner after getting fresh he went back to his bedroom. Whole day he was busy with work and didn't call his baby, every now and then, he was missing his baby so much that he felt like just abondon his work and visit his baby, because today morning when he woke up early, and saw his baby with messy hair, sleeping like an angel under his duvet holding him he felt extreme urge to eat him right then and there. Tine clearly remember how at night his baby was rubbing his body on him and how much Tine has to control himself just not to think otherwise, because his baby is just giving him massage and not want to get intimate he just wanted to kiss him until he can't breathe. Tine shake the thought away he fervently shake his head and went to sleep.

After 3 days Sunday night:

Tine was coming back from the airport, he just drop his Dad Mr Anshuman Teepakorn. His father will reach after 20 hours to New York City. Once he will reach he will again get busy with work, helping his father from here. Tine was already trying hard to stay sane without meeting his baby, but now he can't wait to see him. So he made a call to his mom after getting out from airport, that he'll be staying the night at Guntithanon house. And he is going directly there and he will come back in the morning. It was already 10:20 PM. Maya agreed, and ask him once he reached Guntithanon house just drop message of his arrival on her phone. His mom also ask him to call inform Uma before leaving for Guntithanon house, but after disconnecting the call he thought he should should surprise his baby.

He immediately called Uma that he is coming to stay the night at Guntithanon house, and he will reach in 10 minutes and he also informed not to tell his baby he wants to surprise him, then Uma giggle hearing Tine, she asked Tine, that she's keeping the door open for him, once he enter inside then closed the door and lock it properly and put the keys to hanger on the wall. Tine assured her he will do so and not to worry and then both disconnected the call.

For Sarawat, Kristy advise him that for next two days he cannot play with his ass, but today he can and since morning he was feeling horny, he wanted to feel the pleasure again, even Kristy advice him, to do it often in every 2 to 3 days in start until he is loose completely, its the easy, fast and effective way to prepare his body to accept Tine's huge dick easily. Sarawat never once forget the feeling of getting hit on his prostate. He was going crazy to feel the same pleasure again. It was also distracting him during work so he decided to play with his ass tonight.

Sarawat was very excited to experience nirvana again, he took a quick shower he was humming the song " curiosity" by Asiahn, then after he came out humming his favorite song he prepare his clean towel and spread on his bed sheet. He prepare his all the toys and essential beside him his lubes and he decided to try dildo tonight in his ass after fingering his ass a bit. Because his whores friend told him he will feel more good when he will use dildo instead of his fingers.

So before he start he put the same song on repeat on his phone, dim his bedroom light. This song was making him more horny, since he discovered through Green, it's become his favorite instantly, and each time he was hearing it he was feeling more horny, so it was the perfect song for the background music. He started putting his fingers, one finger got in, then two finger inside and three fingers made him bit uncomfortable but not like before he was taking his time and he was also taking things slowly. Kristy sternly advise him to go easy and slowly he will feel more good He was enjoying each moment to the core.

After few minutes it's time to put dildo inside his ass, he smiled looking at his dildo, he tore the wrapper, because since he bought he never used it once, but that faithful day has occurred when his ass swallow this toy completely. At first he start caressing it assuming Tine's dick in his hand, automatically his lips kissed his dildo he smiled and closed his eyes as he slowly insert his dildo more than half, he moaned with his fiance name "uhm ahhhh bun", after few second when he hit his prostate first time for today his eyes flutter open when he got hit on the same place again but his eyes catch the sight of............

Tine: please continue

Sarawat : now I know

Tine : what baby?

Sarawat : who is number one SHAMELESS in this world

Tine : who baby?

Sarawat : you jaanu,

Tine: 😑😑

Me : Tine stole my favorite title 😭

How was this chapter, don't forget to comment your thoughts on this chapter and pwease hit that Star below for next update

What you think, Sarawat eyes catch, is there any dog watching him quietly..... And since when he watching a free show 😅😅

Tine: who are you calling dog

Sarawat : you jaanu

Readers : he is not a dog

Tine : yes my lovely Readers I love you all now let this crazy women know what I really am,

Readers: he is a bunny 🐇

Tine : 😑😑

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