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Sarawat reach inside the Cafe for work. He greet everyone morning and his boss walk closer to Sarawat. Sarawat was still in daze as he startled when his boss greeted him. Then his Boss inform Sarawat that there is a man waiting for him to meet. His name is Mr. Pavel, big Businessman. The man ask for him many times already. He is waiting for him since last 2 hours and he is sitting in the last corner of private booth. Sarawat heard everything quietly, he got confused who is this man, why he wants to meet him. He decide to just go and find out by himself as he start walking he saw the same strange man he met yesterday who gave him the order for cold coffee. The man gave him sly smile after licking his lip watching him like he will eat him alive. Yesterday the man made Sarawat feel very uncomfortable as after taking his order to kitchen. Sarawat immediately decide to leave and go home early for his date after informing his boss.

Sarawat quietly enter in the booth, the man wearing an expensive suit, with top buttons open, showing his silky smooth white chest looks like some handsome Thai bl actor. It was strange that the man was waiting for Sarawat for last two hours. Sarawat enter the booth and greet him politely "Good Morning Sir. how may I help you?" The man once again slyly smile and started "Well yes, only you can help.... I  mean ... Do you remember me, now?" The man softly asked Sarawat causing him to respond innocently by nodding his head up and down. The person smiled at Sarawat widely then the man added "My Name is Pavel, and I want you Sarawat", Sarawat eyes got wide as soon as the words drop in his ears drum. And watching Sarawat reaction the man cough and clear himself "I mean... I want to hire you as my personal Chef. Stay with me, cook for me...". Sarawat felt uncomfortable hearing the man words, his heart and brain chirp inwardly that this man is having bad intention. Sarawat was looking restlessly at the ground all this time. Pavel got up from his seat walking closer to Sarawat. He left small distance between them and asked Sarawat in a commanding tone "Now if you agreed to be Mine, you don't have to work here anymore and don't worry I will pay you much more than what you were making from this job. I want you to join....?

Sarawat raise his eyes, looking straight in Pavel eyes he interrupted the man by  shaking his head left-right then said without stuttering "I am afraid. I cannot accept your offer Sir. I can't leave this job, I like working here. Thank you" and without waiting for Pavel response Sarawat left the booth straight head in to his kitchen area, where he started work. His Boss had an idea that Pavel wanted Sarawat to be his Chef, and he was was happy that Sarawat didn't left, he too doesn't wanted to loose Sarawat he is an efficient and hard working chef, and  many customer started coming to eat his special dessert every now and then which brings extra profits to his Cafe.

Pavel keep looking Sarawat leaving for the third time watching Sarawat leaving him alone on his spot, this time Pavel smile dropped as soon as Sarawat left the booth after declining his job offer which was unexpected to him because it was his way to keep Sarawat close and make Sarawat fall for him. Pavel made a call on speed dial and ask his best friend "Hey how to win someone's heart?" Pavel best friend responded "hmm by giving flowers and chocolate, it happens in Bollywood movie" after hearing Pavel disconnect the call and smile at the thought of winning Sarawat heart next time for sure.

Tine reach his home after dropping Sarawat to his work. As he entered he heard some noises are coming something like squealing and squeak with giggling. He suddenly stop on his track, and saw his family looking at something on the phone like a teenage fan girl, Tine quietly started walking to see what's going on and why his silly family is so happy, he reach closer to them and took advantage of his long legs. He stretches himself to see what on his Mom phone that is so interesting and as his eyes got the glimpse of the pictures his eyes bulge out like it will come out from the socket, he screamed on top of his lung "ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS!!" everyone got shocked hearing Tine voice out of nowhere, they all stand up in a straight line, his mom pretend to hide her phone which she completely failed to do so.

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