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Some more PavelDome enjoy 😘😘😘😘

Pavel went back to his home, whole day he was thinking about the Guy who dragged Omy from his Cafe, his mind saying he saw that guy somewhere but he don't know where, his mind is more occupied with the thought of Green's arms around Omy's waist. His mind continuously flashing him the same image. He try to call Omy, but being tired with his university work whole day, as soon as he reached home, he went to sleep. Pavel keep on calling but got no response in return from Omy which never happened before.

He don't know what he should think, so he just grabbed his car keys from his bedroom, and went to Omy's place. When he reached he rang the doorbell several times, Omy woke up from his deep slumber cursing whoever has disturb his peaceful sleep should rot in his love life. Once he opened his door, Omy got completely shock watching PV at his doorstep all red with anger.

Omy is used to seeing PV in angry mood often several times before so he knows this dude get angry on any silly reason, without pondering much Omy casually ask his friend what make him anger this time, PV frown on Omy's silly question he annoyingly ask back " where's your phone, why he was not picking up his phone?". Omy yawn and said while walking towards his kitchen to get some water for himself that " he was sleeping because he was feeling very tired at University". PV cools down a bit, feeling relief that Omy was at home, and not with some other guy. Omy ask him if he like to have dinner he will cook something for them PV happily agreed and order him to cook his favorite, Omy already knew what coming his way so he already start preparing PV favorite dish before he ask for it. PV watching Omy working in his kitchen he felt some different vibes for the first time, but instead of acknowledging it he just shake his head on his friend cuteness and ask Omy that he will help him in cooking.

Sarawat left with Green for going airport. Green ask him details while driving him on the way to airport. Sarawat inform Green that his childhood best friend needs him, Green ask him is he talking about 'Mike'. Sarawat told him yes, few minutes before he called him to say his last Goodbye he was crying over phone call saying that the person he love has rejected him, he can't just wait and watch here doing nothing, when his friend is heartbroken and need him the most at this moment.

Mike don't have parents, he was staying with his single Aunt, and after her death he was all alone, he was very happy when he came to attend his engagement few weeks back telling him about the person he likes but Sarawat never thought Mike will think something like ending his life over a heartbreak because he is not that kind of a person. Green try to console and tell him to think positive nothing bad will happen to his friend, but Sarawat was very much afraid he was having all sort of bad imagination going on when he will reach Bangalore what he will find. Green ask him did he informed at his home and Tine, Sarawat inform Green that he already message Sam and Uma and inform them that he is going to Mike, after reaching he will call back and for Tine when he tried his number he was not picking up his phone.

They both reached airport, around 6:50 PM the next flight time is showing at 7:15 PM it will take only one and half hour maximum to reach Bangalore, after reaching he will call everyone again. Green was helping him with buying tickets that's when Sarawat phone started ringing, flashing his fiance name. Sarawat knew if he talk to Tine now he won't let him go alone, and he can't wait for him to arrive, and tag along leaving all his work. So he disconnected the call, and Green saw what Sarawat did. Green warn him what he did that will definitely make Tine angry and boil his blood to higher level but Sarawat already aware of all the consequences he will go through but right now Mike is more important than anything. He ask Green to stay quiet for few hours after reaching Banglore once he saw Mike is Okay he will call back everyone and apologies for taking flight to Banglore.

Green agreed though on Sarawat request he will stay quiet, he ask Sarawat that after going there if he needs anything or any kind of help he can ask his cousin brother he will come and pick him up at Banglore airport and take you to Mike place. Sarawat thank Green for arranging everything for him, like this it will less time consuming for him. Sarawat bid his Goodbye to Green he went in a line to board his plane and uptill now Sarawat disconnected Tine's call 10 times already.

Announcement made for Banglore flights is about to reach. These 90 minutes was worst for Sarawat, he can't help but all negative thought didn't leave him even for a second, he was continuously praying for Mike to be safe and sound. He is not only his friend, but also a brother, who was always there for him and supported him all the way until now.

As soon as Sarawat went inside after taking his boarding pass, Greens message Bubble Whores regarding Sarawat emergency visit to Bangalore. Kristy was at home waiting for sing when he got message in Bubble Whores group and PV and Omy were having their dinner, Kristy and Omy got shocked hearing Green sending Sarawat alone Kristy scold him why he didn't let them know before sending him, he would have gone with him, instead sending him all alone, PV frown watching Omy distressed face reading his message. PV asked Omy who's message it is. Omy just replied that his friend. PV happy face immediately become sour, he ask him sounding gingerly " the same person who drop him in afternoon", Omy just hummed without giving PV any glance. PV just sigh and saw Omy is completely engrossed in his phone typing message upon message he felt very bad, looking his friend who got someone more important than him and stealing all attention of his friend.

When Sarawat came out of the airport, he saw a man waiving his hand at him, Sarawat turned to his back, there were no one, then he pointed his forefinger to himself, the man nods and he jogs to Sarawat where he was standing. The ask Sarawat. The innocent baby just nods his head, he told him that he is Green cousin Mew. Green message him and even send his picture so that he can recognize him easily. Mew then ask Sarawat did he know where his friend work and his home address is. Sarawat nods his head and ofcourse Mew find it cute he smiled at him.

First Mew let him sit on a passenger seat, and take him to Mike's apartment, on the way Mew saw Sarawat getting restless and thinking all sort of negative thought loudly even Mew can hear so to distract the poor cute boy beside him, Mew started asking him question what he do and all, but after knowing he is a chef, he started asking him about his recipes and dessert and Sarawat unwillingly told him several dessert recipes and trick to make them faster. Then after few more minutes of talking about cooking they reach below Mike apartment building, upon reaching there Mew accompany Sarawat inside his flat they saw the apartment door is unlocked, several other things are scattered around the house Sarawat felt his knees shaking, his eyes filled with tears when he saw..........

Tine : I am leaving this fic

Readers : 😍mew 😍 mew 😍mew 😍

Mew : you should, we don't need two Lion, now I am here and you can go and rest

Readers : 😍mew 😍 mew 😍mew 😍

Tine : No not at all I am not going anywhere I will stay and marry my baby and my kids will call you MAMU

Readers : 😍mew 😍 mew 😍mew 😍

Mike : yes you will marry my friend I am with you

Tine : shut up no one need your permission, but where is that crazy shameless women

Readers : 😍mew 😍 mew 😍mew 😍

Mew : she got underground, because she already knew you will kill her after watching me in this fic.

Readers : 😍mew 😍 mew 😍mew 😍

Tine : definitely what else she thought, I will praise her for bringing this awesome sexy super hot man...... never😤

Readers : 😍mew 😍 mew 😍mew 😍

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I also updated my other story 'Different But One', don't forget to read ❤️❤️❤️ please and thank you 😘😘😘

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