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It's already after midnight now when Sarawat mind click that the person beside sitting with him is also a father. He asked Type where's your son, Type inform him he left his son to his neighbor's place, because when Mike called him it was already evening, and he got panicked after hearing Mike so in hurredly he drop his son to his neighbor's and gave them his essential.

Sarawat insist Type that he should leave and go home to his son, tomorrow morning he can come back again and check up on Mike. His son might miss him and get difficult to sleep. Type try to convince him and Sarawat ask him if ever he need anything he will call him, and right now Mike is sleeping too and he is under the influence of all medicine so he will wake up tommorow only, it would be better if he go home and rest a bit and check up on his son.

Type bid his goodbye and went to his home, after Type left Sarawat remembers that he need to call his family telling them about Mike and he just realized that he switched off his phone when he entered in plane and all this time he completely forget about it. As soon as he switched on his phone he got tons of message and call alerts from everyone. First he made a call to Uma, because she also messaged him asking about Mike. Sarawat inform Uma that Mike is Okay, he is sleeping tomorrow morning doctor will check him again and let us know and after informing her about Mike, Uma ask about her son how is he and all Sarawat said is also okay and she don't have to worry then he disconnected the call. Then he call Sam because his little brother is got scared hearing about Mike. After talking to Sam and informing about Mike's health he disconnected the call. Sam was at his friend's house for combine study. Then only one person left to call. But Sarawat nervous were wreck for calling his fiance he is not ready to hear cold tone and see his fiance boiling over his rash decision of coming Banglore.

After somewhat likes 20 minutes, he is not ready to talk to his fiance, his hand feels more sweaty, his throat feels more dry, and his mind stop working because he is very scared of Tine's, just thinking about calling Tine was very very scared. His brain suggesting him drop message can save his ass but his heart is scolding him if he can message he can also give call so why sending message instead of calling, so his heart says call Tine he will understand if not he will somehow make his fiance understand. Tine cannot be angry for long with him. So after praying to all the God's atlast when Sarawat make a call on Tine's phones his fiance phone came switch off. Sarawat heart started thumping he don't know whether he should be happy that he save from Tine or worry because Tine's phone is off which rarely happens. He tried several more times but due to exhaustion when he slept also didn't know.

What the fuck Gulf!!!

What are you doing here, go find out who is spreading this rumors Mew scold his assistant. Gulf revert him back saying "that's why I ask you boss let me go and attend your cousin friend, but as soon as you saw his picture you started drooling" Mew gave him fury eyes for moking he ask Gulf " okay okay don't preach, now go and find out who is spreading this rumour. Gulf made some phone calls and came near Mew where he was struggling with coffee machine.

Gulf saw his boss is getting irritated over an innocent coffee machine he asked him to "please step aside and let me handle it. Mew immediately step aside, Gulf make coffee for his boss and the boy who came from Mumbai for his friend. when Mew and Gulf came back he saw Sarawat is soundly sleeping alone outside Mike's room. Both Gulf and Mew decided that they shouldn't disturb his sleep, as the boy was already exhausted enough so sleeping is good, he will get some rest.

Both Mew and Gulf sat beside each other waiting for Sarawat to wake up then they will decide what to do next. By the time they were waiting. Sarawat phone started vibrating beside him which was sitting on a bench, in a hospital obviously they cannot disturb other patients so his phone was on silent mode. Gulf saw the phone lights on and off and Mew thinking the phone might be urgent, he was about to pick up but before that his call disconnected. But then his own phone started vibrating name flashing Green.

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