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Super long chapter ahead don't forget your coffee ☕ 😘😘😘

As soon as Sarawat finished speaking his heart out in front of Maya, Mr Anshuman Teepakorn reached home and call Maya excitedly with a very young girl tagging behind him. Maya got extremely happy surprised and shocked all at once looking at her husband who was supposed to reach next day morning but she didn't expect him to reach just after few hours of giving news about sudden marriage of her son. Maya forget Sarawat what he said and she ask Mr Anshuman her husband how did he get here so fast that's when Mr Anshuman Teepakorn introduce the girl standing behind him, her name is Zea she is the daughter of Mr Zac. Mr Zac is the owner of company they collaborated. When Maya inform Anshuman about Tine's marriage she was there with them in a meeting with her father. And Zea expressed that she would love to see indian wedding so Mr Zac arranged his personal chatterd plane to send us here. when Tine last time visited New York Zea helped him alot with collaboration. Zea greet Maya and Maya got very happy looking at the pretty girl.

Sarawat came close to hear what his in-law is talking about because he was still in the kitchen and couldn't hear what they are talking, when he reached after pleasantries Zea excitedly inform Maya in front of Sarawat " I like Tine at first glimpse he is very sweet and cute, where is he I missed him so much when he left New York ?", Maya casually inform her Tine went to office but he will come back early today don't worry, he will get surprise to see you here. And now She should go and rest a bit before function start. Sarawat saw the beautiful girl getting all attention as soon as she steps in. He thought indeed she is very very beautiful in looks her doe shape hazel eyes, her cute pointed nose, her perfectly arched eyebrows, her Pink petal like lips and milky white skin just like Tine definitely she will be the one getting married to Tine. A perfect match she also look like she belongs to well reputed and rich family. Sarawat instantly become lifeless as if his soul just eveporate into thin air.

Maya ask her husband to get fresh and rest a bit otherwise tonight in Sangeet function he will feel tired. So Mr Anshuman went to his bedroom after hugging his son in law to be and Maya took Zea to other guest room beside Sarawat's. Sarawat don't have any energy left he went back to his room took his clothes and left to go to Guntithanon house feeling all dejected and sad thinking how easily Tine's forget him and how easily Tine moved on so fast leaving him alone behind . But he can't blame Tine when everything is his fault.

Sarawat was about to leave Teepakorn house when he collide with Type his best friend new boyfriend who was talking to his son in his arm in baby language so he couldn't able to see Sarawat coming in front of him. Sarawat eyes widened watching Type in Teepakorn Mansion both apologize at the same time. Type ask him first "Wat what are you doing here and where are you going ??" Sarawat sadly smile and said by avoiding Type's first question "I am just going to my home my parents came back" then he ask Type what he is doing here. Type inform him that Raj and Tine is his cousin brothers. Tine is getting married today so he came to attend wedding then Sarawat ask Type about Mike is he alone in hospital. Type answer him that Mike is at his home now he was feeling ok so doctor discharged him he is resting for today tommorow he will reach here for Tine wedding and then I will introduce him as my boyfriend to my Uncle Anshuman and Maya Aunty

Sarawat felt happy that atleast his friend will settled now in his life, he congratulate Type and said he is very happy for them. He will definitely cry if he stay more so he excused himself and ask Type to go inside and meet everyone. He will take his leave. Both bid their Goodbye and Sarawat left doing speed walk and left the place hurredly. After few seconds Type realize he forgets to ask Sarawat what he was doing at Teepakorn Mansion and how he know his extended family. But it was too late Sarawat was already gone. So he shrugged his thoughts and went inside.

Aroun 5 PM Sarawat reached at Guntithanon house, he saw his house is still locked and his parents are not yet reach. He unlocked the door and straight away went to his bedroom and cried his heart out burying his face in his pillow don't want to think anything, his brain already damage if thinking all sort of nonsense so he just keep on crying and crying then God knows what time he fell asleep.

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