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Sarawat saw Pavel is standing at the same spot, he started walking towards the entrance. As he got near Pavel, Pavel try grab Sarawat hand again, but this time, Sarawat didn't let him touch himself he was already on guard but stop in front of Pavel leaving some distance between them. Pavel was smiling and looking happy at him. Pavel ask him blantly "did you think about, what I asked you yesterday". Sarawat internally getting irritated with Pavel question, he thought this man is full of himself. Sarawat just shake his head left-right and walk away like usual.

Sarawat went inside, he changed his clothes to his uniform and went to his kitchen area to start his work, where his other colleagues were murmuring and gossiping about the new owner of the cafe, Sarawat first didn't paid attention, but the old boss came into the kitchen area to bid his last Goodbye to his workers, that's when Sarawat knew that Pavel is his new boss now, he bought Asia Cafe and he will be the new owner from now on. Sarawat sigh after hearing the news, he didn't expect Pavel to go this far just to get his attention. Sarawat thought if it's become too much for him he will leave the job and start finding another one.

It was half past one in afternoon, Pavel came to the kitchen area to check out his workers or say to check out only Sarawat, everyone greet him, everyone were drooling over him, he came near Sarawat who was busy preparing cake batter in a big bowl alone, Pavel came close and stand behind Sarawat, and watching him whisking the batter with adding ingredients in it Sarawat didn't realize that Pavel is standing behind him, admiring his beautiful body and eye raping him from back, as he turned around with the bowl of batter Pavel steps in front of him , Sarawat loose his balance and grip on heavy bowl and everything fall from Sarawat hand on Pavel's suit and on the floor, Sarawat widened his eyes looking at floor, then Sarawat got shocked looking the mess happened within a second and that too with the last person he expected. Pavel still gave him his sweet smile and asked Sarawat "what you say when you make a mess?", Sarawat muttered "I I am sorry Sir", Pavel asked "you know I am the new owner of the place, where you LIKE working", he emphasize more on the word 'like' part. Sarawat nod his head. Pavel said in his stern voice "in 10 minutes my office". Hearing Pavel he just closed his eyes tightly and just nod once. Sarawat left Pavel on his spot to get the mop to clean up the floor. Sarawat clean the floor and went to meet his new boss.

When Sarawat went he saw Pavel from glass window he is desperately walking in his office back and forth, Sarawat brain and heart both screaming to him "be careful it's danger" Sarawat sigh for the umpteenth time and knock on the door, he heard a faint "come in". Sarawat went inside and stand in front of Pavel leaving lot of distance between them. Pavel still looking like a mess with all the batter in his suit, he asked Sarawat 'Mr Guntithanon, can you explain me, why you did this with your new boss on his first day?". Sarawat open his mouth but Pavel cut him off and said, " you know this one of my most expensive suit,". Sarawat looking down feeling bad for putting himself in this kind of situation that too when his man is not with him. Pavel asked him again in stern voice "what you say, how are you going to pay for my suit"? Sarawat flinched a little hearing Pavel question in loud voice. He said slowly and softly "Sir, you can deduct from my salary". Pavel chuckled on that and said "do you think you can pay for my suit with your salary". Sarawat closed his eyes feeling sad and little humiliated the way Pavel using the situation in his way. Pavel started saying again when he didn't get any response from Sarawat "this is my custom made suit from David August Couture's specially made for today, do you think you can pay with your salary?" Sarawat immediately answer him "I will work extra hours and pay Sir". Pavel gave him very sweet smile as if he got it what he want he sternly said "ok as you wish, tommorow I invited my friends over for party, you will cook everything for them, and make sure you finish before they reach here".

Hearing Pavel Sarawat all blood drain from his body, he couldn't believe Pavel can go to this extent just to trouble him, Sarawat tried again, he said " Sir tomorrow is Saturday my day off and I have some important personal matter". Pavel shake his head smile and said "postpone it, I don't care my friend's will reach by 2 pm make sure you prepare all the dishes before my friends arrive by". Sarawat looking down on the floor feeling extremely bad and sad, and he thought "what have I gotten myself in to.

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