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Long chapter and Mature content ahead prepare yourself, those horny ass dudes made me more dirty blame them not me 😏😅😅

Tine / Sarawat : that's you birthday gift from us

Me : never have I ever imagined I will get a whole lots of fake fucking chapter as a birthday present

Tine / Sarawat : what to say we are your Readers favorite horny boy's 😎😎

Dim park his car, at his farmhouse garage, all four got down, Tine hold his baby firmly in his arm, as Sarawat is still under the influence of alcohol little bit, so Tine was holding him, to prevent him from falling down. Green showed them the bedroom where they can change, get fresh and sleep. Tine make Sarawat sleep on bed and Green kept all their stuff on the desk and left the room, he also ask Tine to come and get them if he needs something Tine nod at him and Green left the couple alone for the night.

Tine watch Sarawat sleeping like a kid, with his tight clothes on, first he removed his cloths, then he wipe him from wet towel, then just put on his short which he brought with himself to wear at night Tine look at him closely and smile at his cute baby. He remember the way he was eating chillies in front of him during lunch, and how much Tine taste fire on his tongue, as if he himself was eating, he was feeling so bad for his baby. But some lesson is important for his baby to learn hard way so that, next time he don't give it to others easily what belong to him solely.

Then after few minutes, Tine went to washroom, for quick shower and get change, the temperature was not too cold, so he just wore his sweatpants. Sarawat opened, rubbing his eyes, he growled as his head start to spin, he started rubbing his forehead as he was feeling dizzy a bit, his eyes land on the box Green gave him, he stretched himself took the box from side table and he opened it his eyes went wide for the millionth time, now since he met Tine everyday some or the other things making him SOS ( shocked or surprised ) in some way.

Tine came out of bathroom, looking straight ahead of him as he felt thirsty, walking towards small refrigerator which was located in the same bedroom, he took out bottle of water, he gulped few sips and turned around to his baby who was sleeping peacefully, as soon as he turned around, the water directly shot up his nostril as Tine started coughing continuously, he started rubbing his chest to get some relief. Tine couldn't believe his fiance sitting in front of him and looking like a kitten. Sarawat put on the cat ears on his head, and for tail the plug was attached, but he didn't know what to do with it, so he just clipped the tail to the back of his boxers. Sarawat already getting hard watching Tine naked torse, his hard muscles flexing at back while drinking water, his sweatpants hanging extremely low where he can easily see his V cut line, all this making Sarawat feeling dry and horny

Tine walk from his place and crouched down on floor near bed , in front of his baby admiring the beautiful boy exactly looks like a fucking sexy kitten who is asking for punishment by making his fiance rock hard every second. Tine huskily whispered "Oh baby". Sarawat didn't want Tine to think more he immediately replied back by meowing "meow" to stop Tine mind thinking more. Tine hearing his baby meowing , Tine started loosing his control, he shake his head to shake it off the wild things to do with his kitten, he should think straight so he asked his baby "baby kitten do a favor on me, and take this things off and put on some clothes, you cannot have your punishment this way". Sarawat maniacingly teased Tine by showing his pink juicy tongue, and waving his tail right left on his ass Tine gave him firm look and respond saying "watch you attitude kitten you are playing dangerous game".

Tine got up he turned around and went back to other side of the bed and start looking at his phone, basically to distract himself from going all beast mode on his little kitty. Sarawat thought what he learned today during Krist party, from the other 2 whore, he mean Krist and Green. He grew shy when he remember what they said, he slowly sexily crawled up and shuffled over he meowing "meow". Tine didn't respond to him but completely aware of the intention of his fiance. He settled himself by sitting on Tine's lap. Sarawat loudly whimper as he sits on his fiance lap, Tine divert his attention to his kitty, he ask him when he look Sarawat distressed red face, who is not meeting his eyes, feeling shy, "can you tell me what's wrong baby?". Sarawat put his head on Tine's chest, Tine started rubbing his baby's back soothingly, Sarawat cheeks turned into deep shade of red but he needed Tine's love back and he had no choice but to tell him, he sat up straight, opened his mouth and said "bun I love you, I am sorry p punish me please and it's H.... Hurts down", Tine raised his eyebrows, Sarawat looking at the crotch now where the tent is already formed.

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