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Tine and Sarawat just finished eating their dinner, while enjoying the clear sky, cold breeze, and the view of empty Mumbai streets, which is a rare sight if you live in Mumbai everything seems so pure and fresh. As soon as they both finished eating dinner Tine walk back after throwing all the used plates and cups. He stand in front of Sarawat all smiling and ask "You like Chinese food?" Sarawat nod his head with a sweet and softest smile. Tine smile back as silence fell between the two. He check his Rolex watch and find time showing 11.30 pm, it was still early for bed though, Tine break the silence and ask bit hesitantly "Would you like to take a walk" he motioned Sarawat to start walking Sarawat was just a step behind from Tine and he was looking at the ground. While walking to some distance Tine abruptly stopped causing Sarawat to collide with Tine's back of his head and hurt his forehead. Sarawat groan in pain "Augh!" touching  his forehead and Tine instantly turn around by reflex he held Sarawat waist saving him, so that he doesn't fall on the ground. His other hand hold Sarawat hand firmly. When both boys balance them on their feet again. Sarawat start rubbing his forehead with his finger.

Tine sounded panicked and ask Sarawat "Oh God! I am so sorry baby, let me see" he was looking worriedly at Sarawat forehead which got little red. Tine soft fingers rub Sarawat forehead skin slowly and gently while in between Tine was blowing air to soothe the pain. Sarawat couldn't help but stare Tine's face, which is up so close to him mere an inch away, from his face. Where Tine was busy rubbing Sarawat forehead, Sarawat was watching Tine fondly and admiring his sharp features, staring at his man like he was the best thing in whole universe. Tine softly said "I am so sorry baby you got hurt because of me", unintentionally Sarawat mouth spoke "I like it", Tine frown at Sarawat and said "huh like it?...." As soon as his brain register Sarawat immediately turn around and stepped back from Tine. Sarawat bit his lower lips and clear himself by saying "I. it's alright now, not hurting".

Sarawat started walking, further not waiting for Tine, Tine saw Sarawat already start to walk slowly, so he leave his thought what Sarawat just said and he got closer to Sarawat. This time Tine held Sarawat hand and intertwined their fingers both boy were looking straight ahead, their heart was pounding inside his chest faster for each other but pretend not to acknowledge that rollercoaster ride kind of feeling. Few minutes later Tine question "You are happy, with the engagement date?" Sarawat open his mouth to say but closed it and only gave nods his head. Tine ask him another question "What is your favorite color?". Sarawat stopped on his track and so was Tine. Frankly he doesn't remember anyone asked him about his favorite color no doubt his small family knows about it but he don't remember when he told them either maybe many many years ago or they just found themselves.

Sarawat softly said "Green". Tine excitedly replied "I knew it", Sarawat look astounded how?? Tine  grinned at Sarawat and understand the question watching Sarawat  questioning look so he answered "Baby,  first time You came to meet me at the Cafe, you were wearing green hoodie and today you wearing cute olive green sweater" Sarawat look at himself, as if he just realized the fact and smile fondly. But Tine's look immediately got serious, he spoke very softly to Sarawat taking a step closer  and cupping his cheeks "I don't like it when I see your tears. Keep smiling. Can you do that for me? Hmm??" After asking Tine gave a very small feathery kiss on Sarawat forehead where he got hurt few minutes before. The kiss was full of adoration and affection, it was so gentle and soft, it only lasts less then 10 seconds but it was so meaningful and loving that Sarawat's heart blooms. He nodded his head again looking into Tine eyes with soft smile. But at the same time his demon brain scold him 'Tine will surely kill you one day'. And he inwardly respond 'With so much love'

Both the boys return to their car and drive back home. After reaching back  Sarawat was arranging Tine's bed to sleep. He properly arranged pillows after tightening the bedsheet properly under the mattress, while Sarawat was busy Tine was silently watching his soon to be wife arranging bed for him to sleep. He was standing at a distance,  supporting his arms at the door frame, and his arms were crossed on his chest. Soft smile was dancing on his lips as he enjoy the view in front of him. He felt so nice, domestic and calm watching Sarawat which he never felt with anyone, or for anyone before. Sarawat walk out and also put glass full of water with lid, on the bed side table incase Tine needed it. After putting the water Sarawat ask Tine, "If Y.. You need something, wake me up. I'm in next room" Tine smiled softly and nod at his shy boy. As Tine walk towards his bed on purpose Tine bump their shoulders with each other lightly and whispered  "Goodnight baby".  Sarawat suddenly felt goosebumps in his entire body, he nodded his head and was about to leave the guest room but as he reach to the door frame Sarawat stop and said without turning back "T.. thank you for coming today" Tine looked up at Sarawat and before he could respond the shy boy run away after saying his thanks. Tine chuckled shakes his head smiling from ear to ear on his cute and shy baby.

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