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Monday Morning :

Tine came out from Guntithanon house, Dim started driving towards Teepakorn mansion, green already knew there was some tension going on between the two, but he thought after tonight Tine and Sarawat will sort out everything but he didn't find much difference, infact now it's not only Tine but Sarawat is also behaving weird, since they both met in morning. After few minutes Green hesitated on how to interfere in his friend personal life, but he throws all rational reason of interfering 'other people life' concept out of his car window and ask his friend that why he is still upset, Sarawat was also silent the whole time? Tine just smile and told him that everything is fine now between them and he don't have to worry, but Green have his doubt he knows Tine very well and no doubt he also understand Sarawat much better after spending some time with him, that everything is not completely fine between them, earlier in morning when Green ask Sarawat that if there plan success he didn't answer he just hummed at him and there were no happiness visible on his face, and he directly went to sit back seat and whole time he was silent if Green ask him something he simply just nods. Dim drop Tine after Sarawat and Green and Dim had their breakfast at Teepakorn Mansion and bid their Goodbye. Before leaving Green ask Tine now they are going to stay in Mumbai for some more days he can come and visit them anytime he want with Sarawat.


As soon as Tine left, Uma ask Sarawat how was the party, and did he patch up with Tine, Sarawat smiled and shyly told his Mom that everything is fine between them, Tine is no more angry or upset with him. They both cleared all misunderstanding. Sarawat took his breakfast with Uma and Sam, he talk about Krist and Singto a bit, how they become good friends, in just few hours. He inform that Krist is well known gynecologist in Mumbai. Uma ask her son if he is going for work today, Sarawat don't have any other options, he reluctantly hummed and went to get fresh and ready for work.

When he reach Asia Cafe, he didn't see Pavel at the entrance like always. He went inside and started working like usual. His day was going fine it was his lunch break, when someone calls his name, Sarawat turned around to see, who is the person in need of him, and he is none other than Omy. Sarawat smiled and gave bro hug to Omy. Sarawat ask him to join him for lunch, but Omy denies the offer politely by saying that he just came to collect some papers as PV is not in a state to come to office it will take him some time to accept reality. So I ask him I will help him with his work for few days. Sarawat just listened quietly with a sweet smile when Omy finish explaining him the reason why he is in Cafe. Sarawat just ask him softly " you love PV very much right ?".

Omy got flustered and suddenly found himself speechless, he doesn't know how Sarawat will take this information, he looks at Sarawat's face and in Sarawat's eyes there is no moking or angry feeling, he silently nods his head. Sarawat smiled and gave him encouraging words that "PV is very lucky to have a friend like you, who loves him so much, he also add one day PV will definitely accept him, and love him and cherish him like he deserves". Omy also ask Sarawat about Tine, is he still angry on them Sarawat inform him Tine can't be angry for long, he loves his friends alot he will be fine in few days then Omy requested him that until everything cools down, hide about him that he's got feeling for PV. Sarawat understand what Omy is going through getting sandwich between his two best friends, and he very well know it's not his place to inform Tine about his friends personal life.

Both boys were just chatting when a loud voice called Sarawat name again, and this time he very well know who is the owner of the voice he didn't have to turn back but still and it's none other than Green. Sarawat turned around and saw Green jumping excitedly looking at him, Green came to him and ask what he is doing here, Green simply said Dim his husband went to work and he was getting bored so he came out for lunch, and Sarawat also informed him that he works here as a chef. Sarawat introduce Green and Omy, they both were already knew each other through Tine but never met before, and that's happened now they sit together, Green being Green, how can he shut his mouth in front of Omy so he asked Sarawat why Tine was upset with him, instead he and Krist gave him so many sexy tips on how to seduce his man, then why they both were sulking again with each other.

Sarawat contemplate to share it or not but he wanted to let it out somewhere so he start telling and also he don't have anyone else, to share his problem with, so he decided to just share what he is going through he started saying that how the idea work, everything was going fine, but then Tine tried to open him upa bit slowly and gently and he couldn't handle the pain and without knowing he just pushed Tine and make him fall from bed, he himself was shocked with his own action, how his body react on his own, it happened and he felt so ashamed and guilty, how can he just pushed his Tine, he soon going to be his husband, he couldn't bring himself to look Tine in the eyes. After hearing quietly with the serious face, Omy and Green look each other and started laughing like a drain, Green wipes his imaginary tears, Omy tell Sarawat that he doesn't have to feel guilty for pushing Tine he can show his emotion and reaction on Tine freely without holding himself back. It only shows how much you trust him and how much you can be vulnerable in front of him without hiding your true emotion and feeling and pain, then Green add that he can googled it, on internet he can find lot's of information on how he can prepare himself, and he should be ready for Tine because soon he is going to marry him, and he will not like it if Tine control himself for doing things afterall he is also a men and all men have some needs, so better start early preparing himself, like people say 'the sooner the better'.

After few more minutes of chatting with Sarawat both boys Green and Omy took their leaves, both the boys teamed up and encourage Sarawat to go home and research a bit about how he can start preparing himself slowly little by little, not to get scared without knowing anything, take it slowly not to hurry by watching all sorts of things all at once to harm or hurt himself, he should take baby steps, learn everything and understand and after only if his body is ready then only he should start experimenting practically on himself Sarawat nods his head on his two friends suggestions.

After reaching home, he help Uma for preparing dinner, after dinner he wash all the dishes clean up his kitchen and went to his bedroom. He checked his phone, and there was no call and no message from Tine, whole day he was missing him but couldn't bring himself to send Tine a single message little afraid thinking Tine will be upset from his earlier behavior and a lot of guilt for pushing his man. It's already 10:30 PM at night, without speaking with Tine, he couldn't able to sleep and he didn't had guts to call him first so to divert his mind he opened his laptop and start searching about how he can prepare, himself for Tine, Green also gave him some sites name where he can see how people do it and learn different techniques when Sarawat open the site which green gave him it was something like 'Twink' he remembers the name, and he enter on search bar as soon as the front page displayed his eyes just plopped out of his socket and ...............

Sarawat : now I know what is BDSM

Tine : (choked on his saliva) nice baby very nice

Green / Omy : all credit goes to us

Me : Really in just one day you learned everything, what is BDSM btw ?

Readers : wow we are already excited to see Sarawat as a Sub

Sarawat : Beating During Sexual Moments

Everyone : 😑😑😑

Now we know why Tine fall down yesterday from bed 😂

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