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Teepakorn office

Tine just finished adding few more points into his presentation, which he was working on for so many days before he get approval from their international client. Mr Anshuman suggest to show the presentation to their shareholders so Miss Jennifer had arranged todays important meeting before they all finalize it. As the time was ticking Tine got little nervous it was his first big solo project, the company was investing huge amount of money in the project and if everything goes well Teepakorn company can make huge profits and  make big name in international market as well.

Tine was getting little restless but the sudden thought of meeting Sarawat later today for their dinner date makes his mood alot better and thinking he's doing this for his future family makes him feel energetic and confident, soon he felt relaxed as he take his phone out to call Sarawat before he has to leaves for his meeting. Tine knew hearing Sarawat voice will boost his energy level more and everything will go right, but before the call get connected, a sudden knock interrupted him. Miss Janifer inform "Sir the meeting will start in 5min. Everyone already arrive and waiting in the conference room", Tine secretary Miss Jennifer was loyal and hard working woman. In response Tine smiled at her and respond "Thankyou Miss Jennifer I'll be there in a minute". He glanced at his Rolex watch he muttered under his breath "...just 4 more hours baby" Tine got up from his seat and left to go to conference room.

As soon as Tine enter he looked at his Dad, Mr Anshuman who was talking to some shareholders, he gave a quick nod to Tine and ask everyone to settle down. It was Tine's first time presenting such a big project for the international market he was working hard for several months now, initially it was Tine's dream to give exposure to their business in international market, while he was doing his MBA, he was also doing his research to help and grow his father's business. Tine always wanted to run his Dad business, where as Teepakorn's  elder son Raj, always wanted to go into medical field and become a well known surgeon. Both brothers always supports each other's dream for taking their life decisions, when Raj let his parents know about his dream and interest about joining medicine instead of business in college. Mr and Mrs Teepakorn immediately agreed, they wanted their son to do whatever makes him happy, even when Raj asked to marry Simran his long time girlfriend Mr and Mrs Teepakorn had no objection. So basically Teepakorn family has been always supportive to their boys dreams and ambition.

After Tine came back to his home country for handling his father business after completing his studies, he immediately started working on his project, and Mr Anshuman Teepakorn support his son with full confidence. Tine knew his family was their on each and every step supporting him unconditionally on all his decision even with Sarawat his family has chosen only the best for him now it was his turn to payback by working hard for their love, trust and confidence his family showed in him.

Tine got up confidently and started his presentation, in between answering and discussing the shareholders query, after spending more than an 3 hours, the presentation atleast come to an end with happy smile on everybody's face. All the shareholders were very happy with the presentation, prasing and congratulating him for his determination and hard work. When the last shareholder left the room Tine glanced at his rolex watch again he murmured " ...in 30 minutes", Mr Anshuman saw his son looking at his watch so he came close and pat his son shoulder like a proud father and praise him for doing his job well. Then he ask Tine to take a leave and rest he will handle, Tine brightly smile gave a quick hug to his dad and left the conference room, as soon as Tine get inside his car and drive out from company underground parking lot he look outside and scream "Shit, WHAT THE HELL" he quickly stopped and checked his mobile phone which seems to be dead with no battery

Sarawat was waiting for Tine,  Samwas with him inside his bedroom, as the boy was pacing back and forth looking all nervous. Sam grinned at his big brother condition, sitting on a bay sofa. He watch his brother who looks like someone who's life is depend on his  date. First of all Sarawat come home and hour early from his work, then upon reaching home he called Sam who was out with his friends, only to help him choose clothes to wear for date which makes Sam super shock as hell because Sarawat never ask him to do  something like ever in his entire life. Sarawat never bother about his looks, though Sam knows his brother got a beautiful face with killer smile, but Sarawat seems to be to dumb to know that fact. Sarawat was so nervous for his date with Tine that Sam thought anytime his brother will get panic attack. Sam was about to go crazy answering Sarawat all stupid questions such as "Sam, What if Tine don't like my clothes, what if Tine didn't like the colour of my shirt, What if I tripped while walking with him?, What if he find my smile ugly after eating?. What if after eating I burp?, like this and many more. Sam asked him to stay positive and all things will be alright. He give Sarawat alot of encouragement by saying "You should just be yourself because Tine is totally captivated by your charm and beautiful smile, if ever you want moon you just have to ask Tine, the man will bring that as well for you without complaining". Sarawat heart flutter hearing his brother's words regarding Tine but he just pretend to shrug and rolled his eyes  on his brother remark.

But on a serious note Sarawat appreciated Sam support, his little brother was there with him, instead of getting irritated and leave his silly and naive brother on his own, Sam was there besides Sarawat giving support and encouragement which Sarawat was much needed at the moment. Sam knew his brother pretend to be very strong from outside for him but deep inside he also knew Sarawat's weakness and insecurities of being left alone too. Sam doesn't want his brother to get hurt in any way as well because he just love his sweet brother alot and always want to see him happy.

It was almost 7 PM in the evening  sharp and there were no trace of Tine at all. Sarawat walk into his bedroom window, looking outside if he can see Tine coming to pick him up, Sam walk closer to him and stand to watch his brother sad face who has a worried expression on his face, Sam put his hand on his brother shoulder in concerned saying "it's seem to start raining soon. Might take jiju ( brother in law) some time to reach here" Sarawat nodded his head in understanding, he gave a small smile which didn't reach his eyes. It was 7.40 PM in the evening still there's no Tine, Sarawat don't want to think what his  brain wants to believe that Tine isn't coming or worst he forgot him and their date, but his heart wanted to believe  opposite that Tine will come to him, he might be stuck somewhere in traffic or so but he will surely come to meet him. Sarawat pulled out his phone and tried calling Tine on his mobile which was showing unreachable.

Sarawat was thinking thousands of reasons why Tine didn't reach until 8 PM , he was almost an hour late without any call or message, suddenly both the boys heard Uma calling Sam name from the living room. Upon hearing his Mom voice Sam went down to his mom leaving Sarawat alone sitting on bay window sofa in his bedroom. Sarawat didn't realize how long the time has passed after Sam left him alone. He didn't dare looking at the watch to check the time, he was just staring outside of his window sitting all alone being all sad and depressed. Once his eyes felt tired of looking at the enterance for Tine.  Sarawat walk out of his bedroom to go checkup on his mom and little brother. When he went downstairs there was no one, he went to the kitchen while calling his mom and Sam name but still, there was no response for the two. Sarawat was about turn, his eyes landed on a note on the refrigerator. He read the note:

Son, We are going to sleep early because we are very tired. Please don't disturb us tonight and attend the guest properly.

Sarawat sigh loudly after reading his mother's note and breath out "Why no one wants to be with me today?". The last part of note Sarawat blantly ignored it, he didn't even think about a guest even for a second. His mind was already full with Tine absence. Never his mom left him alone and went to sleep first. It was Okay for him though maybe she was really tired and missing Dad as well.  Sarawat decided not to disturb his Mom and spend some time in Sam's bedroom  anyways, he knows Sam never sleeps  this early. Sarawat softly knocked at Sam's door couple of times.  When finally Sam opened the door he ask his brother while rubbing his eyes "bro, you needs something?" , Sarawat look closely at Sam face and ask sounding irritated "Why you are sleeping early today?", Sam respond politely that "bro, I got early morning classes tomorrow, so I went to sleep". After hearing his mood got more depressed. He started feeling dejected and just walk back in living room without saying anything to his little brother.

Don't worry my lovely Readers I will try to give one hell of a romantic date for our babies, coming up in next update Please share your thoughts 🙏🙏

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