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Early update because Today we mark 2k+ reads and 200+ votes Thankyou so much for reading and voting this story. You guys motivate me to write by reading and voting my story. I will always try hard to keep it interesting and try updating everyday. Once again thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

Mature content ahead, read at your own risk and lastly "I am still innocent", just saying. 🔥🥵🔥

After catching the breath, Tine pulled him up to his chest, hold Sarawat firmly, dragging the boy to his bed and laid him down on his bed. Sarawat panted heavely his chest rising and falling. Tine hover on his boy, having his victorious smirk on his lips, Sarawat narrows his eyes watching Tine's expression causing Tine chuckled in response and coos at his baby. Tine take out something from his pocket and put it on Sarawat's neck. Sarawat knitted his brows together in confusion, his cheeks flushed, lips jutted out from kissing each other's lips, Sarawat wanted to ask, but it took him few more seconds to catch his breath and when his voice to come back. Tine done putting the necklace around Sarawat's neck abd pressed a soft kiss Sarawat's forehead gently. Sarawat touch the necklace, it had a initial letter 'T'

Sarawat immediately frown looking at the platinum necklace. He forcefully tried speaking "I  can't t take t..this " Tine chuckled he knew, what is going on in his baby's head, Sarawat try open his mouth once again but Tine put his forefinger on Sarawat lips, stopping him from speaking more, he said it in his sweetest tone, "I put this on you with my initial, this will remind you of me. That you belong to me, when I am not here" Tine cupped Sarawat's cheeks, making the shy boy to leans in Tine's touch more, his eyes becomes teary. Tine kiss Sarawat eyes. Suddenly Sarawat was getting emotional, to lighten up his baby's mood. Tine teases the poor boy by saying " I guess you started to like my punishment, aren't you asking for more". Sarawat started smiling shake his head first, but then he mischievously nods his head up and down saying "I guess so". His brain chirp inwardly 'shameless'. Which Sarawat ignore

Tine tried to capture once again Sarawat lips but, and Sarawat turned his head and started to giggle beneath Tine, he tried pushing his man gently, but couldn't do so, they both just started to laugh as only wanted to enjoy little bit more time together embracing each other in their arms. After few minutes Sarawat reminded Tine, that he still need to get his packing done. Tine pouted at first but Sarawat was Right, he ask Tine that he will help him in packing. Tine pointed his finger towards his walking closet and ask Sarawat to bring some of the clothes and suits for him to pack. Sarawat got up from bed and went in the direction of closet. As soon as he slide the door, he found a huge room of Tine clothes, shoes and accessories, he had a awe look on his face for the millionth times. Sarawat was astounded looking at numerous types of Tine clothes and accessories in the whole another room behind the door.

Tine walk closer and with his forefinger he closed the mouth of Sarawat's which was open from God knows how long, Tine ask him "You like it?". Sarawat has a confused look, Tine then added " I already bought some clothes for you, after marriage you don't have to bring anything you got here everything already", and Sarawat got amused after hearing Tine words. Tine just chuckled at Sarawat's expression, finding him so cute, he is wondering how he will stay without his baby for next 3 days, it already seems long

Both boys was about to finish packing, When suddenly Raj entered in Tine's bedroom, after knocking, he saw Sarawat was helping his brother in packing, he met with Sarawat and hug him. Then Raj asked Tine that if he wants him to get drop at the airport. Sarawat immediately answer "Bhai, Can I go and drop him", Raj and Tine both raised their eyebrows on Sarawat to tease him then Sarawat added looking at Tine "I.. if you d don't m.. mind", both brother started laughing at the poor shy boy. Raj reminded his brother that only one hour left for him to leave for the airport as he left the two boys alone once again.

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