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Happy Sunday 😘

Sarawat : hello

Tine : baby you reach home?

Sarawat : yes, few minutes before and I I am sorry I didn't know you are waiting outside.....

Tine : it's alright, infact I was happy that you made good friends

Sarawat : Hmm they both are nice and I like going out with them both after Mike shifted to Bangalore, I never had any.....

Tine : I know and I am really happy for you baby

Sarawat: so can we meet some other time in this week?

Tine :I...... I will try baby, I am actually bit busy this days but I will try my best don't worry.

Sarawat face suddenly got small hearing Tine's word. Then Tine explain him that his father is going to New York, this weekend so he had to finished some documentation and today he unable to finished his work because he was worried for him whole time so he even left his work early to spend some time with his fiance today so from tomorrow he can concentrate in his work, but that didn't happen too Sarawat pat his forehead scolding himself, for not charging his phone he apologized for it to Tine to make him worried for no reason whole day. Tine understand though it happens sometimes, Human brain skips some step's.

After few minutes, Tine ask his baby carefully "I wanted to ask you something you not angry with me, because that day I went ahead and......", Sarawat immediately got double flustered feeling hot in his cheeks and remember the pain he endured and with just the thought of it he cut off Tine's words and his own mouth spoke the words, before he even register what he is saying "please give me some time bun I need time to meet and ...." he couldn't complete his sentence, and what's he said can be taken in a wrong way too, but words already spoken cannot be taken back he closed his eyes thinking why did he have to say it like that, but shrugged the thought, but for Tine, Tine heard it loud and very clear what his baby asked him, Tine felt his blood drain from his body for a second there, he didn't know how and what he should respond to his baby, so he just said what first thing came to his mind " okay, I will wait take your time" . Sarawat then thought he should clearify more that he is asking time for preparing himself and his body for Tine and not for meeting or getting intimate, but hearing Tine's stern reply his heartbeats suddenly sky rocketed and he become speechless, then Tine ask him instantly "okay then, I let you go to bed, goodnight". And without waiting for his baby's reply Tine disconnected the call for the first time in his baby.

Tine thought he really messed up big time, if he talk more with his baby, Sarawat will find out how difficult it would be for him to stay away from each other so he disconnected the call immediately, he made is baby upset, his baby might get scared of him and definitely asking for distancing himself by asking him to give time, but never once his mind cross his baby asking time for preparing himself, his body so that he can offer his body without any fear or stressed. Somehow Tine went to bed dejectfully, he didn't able to sleep a wink whole night, his heart was surely believe that his baby will come around very soon to him.

Sarawat couldn't understand, why Tine have to sound this sad and hurredly disconnect the call, he just ask him to give him some time for preparing himself and his body for him, but he didn't know Tine will sound this sad on his request, and he will disconnect the call, without hearing his reason, he was deep in his thought thinking what he said that made Tine upset that's when Sam entered in his big brother room, his big brother face is showing deep concern regarding something, he ask his brother what happened why he is deeply lost in thought, Sarawat just pretend to shrugged his thoughts by saying it's not anything important, he definitely wants to share it with someone, but how he can share something like this with his little brother, he had to explain everything to Sam, and he feels shy and it's a bit inappropriate to talk about preparing his body for his fiance, with his little brother, then Sam inform his brother that Arya told him to help her with studies he is going to meet her tomorrow early morning.

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