Chapter 1- The First Meeting

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Hello, is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile
- Hello • Lionel Richie

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𝚂𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝟸𝟶𝚝𝚑 𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛

Henry O'Connor had been isolating from the world for almost three weeks when a car arrived at the cottage she was staying in. The build up had been eating her alive, and finally, the day had come. It would be a relief to be around others again, even if it was in such harsh conditions as I'm A Celebrity offered.

The car they'd sent for her was a lovely, old looking machine. It had a black coating, slick and shiny, so much so that Henry could see her own reflection. But she didn't ponder on her looks to long. There were places to be, things to do, and people to meet.

Whoever drove the vehicle had manoeuvred them down country lanes. Henry had never been to Wales before, she rarely found time to travel, so took in every moment and enjoyed it. Even if she knew something bad was going to happen sooner or later.

"Where are we goin'?" The short haired woman asked the driver, who simply ignored her. "Fine." She mocked hurt. "Be that way."

Henry slumped back into the seat, and waited. She didn't know how long it would take to get to the destination, and excitement was taking over. The dark haired woman wanted to meet everyone. She wanted to make new friends.

Soon enough, they pulled up beside a large, stone mansion. Henry had never seen anywhere so beautiful in her life. The authenticity of a place preserved in such a way made her smile like a madwoman.

She stepped from the car, and into the outdoors. The cold hit her face, almost like a slap, and her skin prickled with goosebumps. Somehow, Henry had forgotten than Wales would be freezing. However, the winter weather had rarely bothered her, and so, welcomed it with open arms.

After being directed by the producers on where do go, Henry stepped through the open oak doors and into the mansion. There was a door, surrounded by light, with chattering coming from inside. That was where she was supposed to be.

It was one of the most beautiful rooms the O'Connor had ever been in. The large wooden floorboards were covered with a red carpet, walls lined with torches matched with paintings, and an ornate fireplace in the middle of the room. A table with a cream cloth covering it held a few drinks. As well as this, there were three people. These would be her camp mates at one time or another, so saw no other decision than to introduce herself.

Tentatively, she stepped forwards. Her trainers hit off the floor, and their faces snapped to her. Henry paused. She was starstruck. There, in front of her, were three faces she would never forget: David Ginola, Arlene Phillips and Matty Lee.

"Hello." The woman said, quietly, stepping over to them.

"Hi!" Said the older woman, cheerfully, walking to the younger girl and hugging her. "I'm Arlene."

"I'm Henry."

Next, the silver haired man introduced himself as they too shared a hug. "I'm David." His French accent was think, and though Henry was having a difficult time connecting some words, she understood enough.

"Henry. It's really nice to meet you."

Then, finally, she moved to the boy she was most starstruck by. In reality, she should have been most in awe because this man had just won a gold medal, but more because she hadn't seen him in such a long time. "Henry." He wrapped his arms around her for a hug as she grinned back at him.

"Matty." She sighed. "It's so good to see you again."

"You know each other?" Asked Arlene, kindly.

"Oh, yeah, I've known him for, what, three years?" She grinned, almost sheepishly, as the group gathered around the fire.

"Really?" Asked the older woman.

"Yeah." Matty confirmed.

"Did you, er, want orange juice?" David gestured to the champagne flute filled with the fruity liquid.

Henry beamed as she picked up the glass. "Yes, thank you."

The drink was refreshing as she took small sips from the glass, but that only made her wonder. How long would it be before she missed comforts like these? How long would it be before she was longing for something with taste? How long would it be before she was missing home?

"Are you scared?" Asked Arlene, curiously. "I think we all must be, really."

"A bit, yeah. Maybe not so much like trials and stuff. More just being away from home scares me." Henry explained as her new camp mates nodded, listening to her words.

"Really?" Asked Matty.

"Yeah, I don't really go anywhere without my family. This is, like, a really big change for me."

"Oh, wow." The older woman hummed in response.

There was a silence, which Henry felt responsible for causing. However, within moments it was rectified as Arlene spoke up again. She was the most talkative of the bunch, which was interesting to see. Henry could tell she was going to love getting to know everyone's personalities over the coming weeks.

"I've just realised that us three are all sort of sporty." She gestured to herself, Matty and David.

"Oh, yes." David agreed.

"Have you ever done anything sporty?" Matty asked her, curiously. Henry wasn't much a fan of all the questions she was being asked, but it was bound to happen at some point.

"You won strictly, didn't you?" Arlene asked, causing a fine blush to cover Henry's cheeks.

"Yeah, in 2018."

"Seriously?" The younger of the two men asked.
Henry nodded, laughing uncomfortably.

"Seriously. It's a bit embarrassing to say in front of a Strictly legend, though."

The conversation then sprung into something about sports and what the challenges would be like, but Henry couldn't bring herself to listen. She smiled as if she were, but her mind was somewhere else. How could it stay in one place when there was so much to ponder over.

What the hell had she gotten herself in for. Really. If she thought about it, the answer would never arrive. It was all some stupid idea, in reality. But her brothers did love the show, and so did she, and even without her admiration for it- Henry just wanted to make them proud.

"You alright?" Asked Matty, noticing how the O'Connor girl had zoned out a smidge.

"Yeah, yeah." She nodded, swiftly, dark eyes meeting his as she replied. "Just thinking."

"Do ya need a minute?"

Henry shook her head, pushing away most of her thoughts. "No. I'm alright."

Conversation flowed through the four of them for however long it was they were in that stunning room. Henry was, surprisingly, enjoying herself. How long it would last, she was unsure, but in the moment it didn't matter. What mattered most was living in the moment. This whole experience would be about living in the moment.

There was a moment, one moment when everything changed. It made Henry feel sick once again, and want to go home. It made her feel nervous.

There was a helicopter.

"Shit." Mumbled the O'Connor girl, quietly so not to draw too much attention to herself. She downed the last of her drink and set it on the table. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit."

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I do not own I'm a Celebrity or any of the Celebrity Contestants that appear on the show in real life. I also do not own any of the trials or events that take place.
All I own is Henry O'Connor, her storyline, family, and the fictional love story between her and Matty.

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