Chapter 30- Christmas In The Castle

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There's loving in your eyes
That pulls me closer
(That pulls me closer)
It's so subtle
(It's so subtle)
I'm in trouble
(I'm in trouble)
But I'd love to be in trouble with you
- Marvin Gaye • Charlie Puth, Meghan Trainor

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Frankie and Naughty Boy had been called to do the Castle Coin challenge, and so, everyone else sat around camp. David was singing to Danny, who grinned at every word. It was amusing to see how he was so enticed by the ex-footballer, and Henry found it intriguing.

Then, when they'd clapped the Frenchman, he spoke.


"Mmh?" Her head snapped up, eyes opening as they'd been closed before. "What's up?"

"Would I know any of your songs?"

"I'm not sure." Henry hummed. "None of it did that well."

Louise interrupted. "That's not true. My daughters love your stuff."

"And me." Kadeena added.

"I know them too." Matty intercepted as he watched over the beans as they soaked in water.

"Oh, well, then, maybe."

"Can you sing me one?" David asked her, honestly.

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"I was a little embarrassed to be honest." Henry flushed as she looked to the camera. "But you can't turn down David Ginola. You can't!"

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"I, uh, sure." The actress nodded. "I have a song called Breaking Point which did the best, I think."

"And you will sing?"

Henry's eyes opened a little more. "Do you mean now?"

"Yes, of course."

"Right then... uh." Henry took a breath and began to sing. "'Cause I have reached my breaking point, and you've pushed me there. And I'll wait by the phone knowing you won't call. That's what you do. what you put me through."

"That, that was yours?" David interrogated.

"Uh yeah." The actress said, slightly nervous.
"I love that song!"

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"So it turns out... um, David Ginola likes my music." Henry grinned at the camera. "I might have to give this shit another shot when I'm out of here if you know what I'm saying."

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It was then that Henry decided she would have a nap. She was slightly embarrassed, and wanted to get away from them for a little. So, instead of lying on her new bed, she lay on Matty's.

It wasn't that it smelled like him, because it didn't, but because it was his. Anything that was Matty's, made her feel more at home, even if they barely spent time together on the outside. Now, they were sure to. Weren't they?

Everything's different out there, though. What if Matty didn't want to be with her in the real world? What if he just wanted to have an idea of home when they're in the Castle. He wouldn't dump her...

Would her?

Henry's dreams were filled with thoughts like these as she napped, and she hated it. It made her uncomfortable, and when she woke up, it lingered in her mind.

"Henry!!!" Frankie's voice called throughout the Castle, trying to get her attention. "Guess what?"

"What?" She groaned, her friend having such a loud voice only moments after she'd awoken.

"We've got Christmas stuff!"

Henry shot from the bed, disregarding how awful she'd look. There was Christmas stuff, and that was all she cared about.

In the O'Connor household, Christmas was a big deal. It was the one time of year every one of the siblings could be together and remember their parents without feeling too sad. There was something about hanging baubles on the tree with Freddie, or making hot chocolate with Eb, or even just watching a Muppets Christmas Carol with Will- that made Henry feel alright.

Naughty Boy had brought a tree back, though it seemed they weren't supposed to, but it was fun as they saw everyone going mad with baubles and tinsel. The grin on Matty's face as he wrapped some lights around a metal rail made Henry smile too.

The girl joined him, taking one of the sides and helping wrap it around the staircase.

"I love Christmas." Henry whispered to him. "I love decorating the tree with Freddie, and how excited he is on Christmas Day."

"I know you do." Matty smiled to her.

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"I love it here with everyone." Henry said. "But I wish I could be with my family too. Best of both worlds."

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"I hope they've decorated the tree already." Said the girl. "I hope the house looks beautiful."

He reassured. "I'm sure it will."

She grabbed his hand, softly, and told him. "You'll have to come to the house."

"You have to come to winter wonderland with me." Matty bargained causing Henry to blush red.

"Sounds like a date."

"A date?"

Henry's eyes widened a little. "Is it not?"

"Of course it is- but I can tell you're still feeling pretty needy." He beamed in such a way it made Henry's heart clench. In a good way, though: it could never be in a bad way.

"Oi, love birds!" Adam called out, causing them to look at him, startled. "Up there!"

Henry raised her head to see Simon holding up a green plant. Faintly, there were white berries. Mistletoe. "Well, got to stick to tradition, huh." She whispered.

"Should we?" He teased. "Maybe I should make you wait."

"You're so cruel." Henry grabbed his collar, and pulled his lips to hers.

It felt like an eternity since they last met in such a way, but in reality, it was only the day before. A day in the castle felt like weeks. Henry just longed for his touch, she always did, but now more than ever. This was a day where she longed for Matty, and he in a boyish way denied her of it. But now, there was no excuse.

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"It was a good kiss." Henry smiled widely in the confession booth. "It was a really good kiss."

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"You might want to be needy a little more often." Matty whispered.

"Not happening." She said, truthfully. "Not ever. But if this happens again, on the outside, you and I are gonna have some things to work out."

"What kind of things?" Matty smirked.

"Oh... I don't know. Just things."

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I do not own I'm a Celebrity or any of the Celebrity Contestants that appear on the show in real life. I also do not own any of the trials or events that take place.
All I own is Henry O'Connor, her storyline, family, and the fictional love story between her and Matty.

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