Chapter 2- Bright Red Hell Holes

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And when I'm feeling small you get me through it all
- Kids Again • Artist vs. Poet

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𝚂𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝟸𝟶𝚝𝚑 𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛

Getting onto the helicopter was one of the most terrifying things that Henry O'Connor had ever done. Just because she wasn't too bad with heights didn't mean she wasn't uncomfortable with flying. Planes weren't usually a problem, but she had the slightest suspicion that helicopters would be. They didn't scream 'health and safety'.

    Once the four celebrities were sat in the back, and had their headsets on, the machine began to lift off of the ground. Matty and David were beside her, and Henry wondered if she had been out in the middle so that she couldn't try and escape.

     "Where D'ya reckon we're going?" Henry asked, curiously, though her voice shook.

  "I have no idea." Replied Arlene. She was the only one to take notice of the young girls words as the boys were too busy watching the view as they rose higher and higher.

     Henry did have to admit that it was a wonderful sight, more so than anything she could have imagined. Nothing compared to a birds-eye view. The grass was stretching for miles, and they edged closer towards a range of cliffs.

  "I'm feeling very very slightly sick." The older woman admitted as her eyes focused out of the window.

  "Are you alright?" David asked, his accent thick, as he reached across the two younger contestants and held the woman's hand. Arlene hummed in response, though it wasn't very convincing.

     Everything was alright until the helicopter took a sharp turn, and Henry could feel herself being flung every-which-way. A sickly feeling arose in her stomach, and the constant mantra in her mind.

  I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.

  It wasn't true, they'd never let that happen. But the idea of not returning home caused her to feel more nervous than she had anticipated.

     A noise, which barely classified as a whimper, escaped Henry. Her face was a shade of snowy white. She hadn't thought she was afraid- but maybe she was. Out of pure instinct, the girl grabbed whatever was closest to her, to hold onto.

  "You've got my hand." Matty said, as quietly as he could, but still at quite a loud volume so to be heard above the engines.

  The O'Connor girl flushed scarlet briefly. "I'm sorry."

  "It's alright." Replied the diver, smiling softly. "Ya scared?"

  "Only a little." Henry was trying to convince herself. If she said it enough, maybe she would believe it. Maybe.

  "Hey, who's out there?" Matty distracted, directing his unoccupied hand towards the window, and drew his new friends' attention to a second helicopter. Vaguely, Henry could see a few figures, only one of which she truly recognised.

  "Oh my God." Arlene awed as she waved to the people she could barely see.

  "Is that Danny from Emmerdale?" The younger of the men asked, and Henry nodded as she managed to speak shakily.

  "That's Louise Minchin. She's lovely." The groups waved to each other until, suddenly- Henry's stomach dropped.

     A yelp fell from her lips, unwillingly, as the helicopter spun and turned away from the others.

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