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Natalie's POV

"Who knew." Taylor asks as soon as she enters the bus.

"Oh um. Well, no one really." I say as I stand in front of Lizzie.

"Well there was two people we did tell." Lizzie says and I smile nervously.

"Which is who exactly?" Taylor asks as she walks closer towards us.

"Scarlett." Lizzie says.

"Okay I can see that. When did you tell her?" Taylor asks.

"Umm maybe like a couple years ago?" I say.

"Okay and who else knows?"

"Promise you won't kill me or the person I'm about to mention?" I ask.

"No promises here bubs."

"Tay please."

"Okay fine. Who else knew."

"Selena." I blurt out.

"Excuse me? My bestfriend knew?"

"Well I wasn't going to tell you that I had lost my virginity now was I?" I say.

"But you told Selena? You're telling me that my best friend knew you two at college well more you with my sister but still." Taylor says and I smile.

"Well she didn't take it well either, she said she wasn't surprised. It was a conversation that was very awkward if you ask me but I had to tell someone and well I didn't have many friends."

"Nat out." Taylor says as she points to the door, my eyes widen as I look towards the door and to Taylor.


"No buts, out. I'd like to have a word with Elizabeth." Taylor says.


"Natalie Liliana Swift Acevedo."

"Yes Alison I'm on my way. Just don't kill my best friend."

"Go. Now." Taylor says and I nod.

I pat Lizzie's arm as I head out of the bus. I open the door and I see everyone in front of the bus.

"Yes?" I ask.

"We know."

"I mean yeah I would think so. How'd she do when she found out?" I ask.

"Let's just say we didn't have rehearsal for a good two hours." Jeslyn says making my eyes widen.

"Oh crap."

"But hey it's good to have you back we all missed you. It just isn't the same without you here." Yoe says and I smile.

"We're all glad it's resolved. I think your sister was ready to cancel the tour to attend the hearing." Jeslyn says. "Actually this was going to be the last show."

"She's out of her mind."

"Nat chatch." Max shouts as he tosses me my sweatshirt.

I put my sweatshirt on and I sit down on the floor as I wait for Taylor and Lizzie to come out the bus.

"So what's up? What's new?"

Elizabeth's POV

"Thank you." Taylor says as she walks towards me and gives me a hug.

"You're welcome?" I say as I hug her back. "What exactly are you thanking me for?"

"I should've known." Taylor says as she hugs me tighter.

"I'm lost."

"You Olsen, you are the reason my sister started to love herself again. My god all those days she'd call me sobbing because well it was hard for her during college. Suddenly she called one night, apparently months after you two did it, she said she was happy. That someone liked her for who she was as a person not for anything else."

"How could I not love her? She's a kind soul."

"I'm surprised you two didn't date in college. If we're being honest, I should've known with the way she acted around you. You did always seem to be aware of who she was to me and that certainly didn't change anything about how you saw her."

"Well finding out the person you.. well you know, is practically sisters with Taylor Swift truly does something to you but I knew her true self before I knew she was a part of your family. So nothing changed." I say with a smile. "She'll always be important to me. I don't see her as your sister you know? Not as Taylor Swift's sister, I see her as Natalie, the one who's always ready to cheer up anybody."

"You don't understand how much it means to me that my sister has a long lasting friendship."

"I'll always be around."

"Can I come in now?" Nat shouts from outside the bus, pounding on the door.

"Just a minute." Taylor shouts back. "I also want to thank you for being by my sisters side with this whole chaotic time since neither I or Alex could make it."

"Like I said I'd do anything for her. I understand what it's like to have siblings that may not be able to make it to things because they're busy. Trust me Taylor she missed you but didn't want you to stop everything for her."

"I would cancel the whole tour for her."

"Trust me we all know that but she just wants you to shine."

"Can I come in now?" Nat shouts again.

"I hope I see you around more often." Taylor says with a smile.

"You two took too long to let me back in so I let myself in." Nat says as she walks towards us, her hands inside her pockets. "So what happened?"

"Nothing." Taylor and I both say in unison.

"Okay? So can we go eat now?" Nat asks and I laugh.

"Yes, let's go eat." Taylor says.

"Oh good I'm starving." I whisper.

"I should also probably tell you we also dated during college. Okay great everything is out. Come on Lizzie." Natalie grabs my arm as she drags me out of the bus.

"WHAT?" Taylor shouts.

"Let's be honest she should've seen that coming." I say with a laugh.

"Well at least she hasn't figured out that the songs I helped writing and had green eyes in it was definitely about you." Natalie says.

"Dead. You'd be dead and so would I." I whisper.

"Hey the one song is definitely true." Nat says and I shake my head.

"My god if she ever finds out."

"Don't blame me."

"Oh my god you're unbelievable Natalie."

"If I go down you go down with me."

"Well it seems I have no choice now, do I?"

"Nope." Natalie says shaking her head.

"Oh wonderful."

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