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Natalie's POV

"I can't believe you were pregnant when you were knocked in the head during a game." I say as I sit next to Alex on the couch. The game against Chicago on the tv.

"You would have been worried, panicking even." Alex says placing a hand on my chest. "Leaving tour."

"Damn right." I say nodding my head. "I was already worried but knowing you were already pregnant I would've been even more worried. You're carrying our baby."

"I'm fine though so no need to worry." Alex says calmly, I turn to look at her and shake my head.

"You're something else Alex."

"Can I just say just how happy I am that touring is over." Alex whispers and I smile. "I'm so proud of you babe but not having you around as much as I wish, was painful."

"But I'm here now and will be here until you know, I have to work or another tour. But now here I am, in sunny Orlando. Way too sunny for my liking." I say with a groan. "And you're sure you want our home to be in California?"

"I'd love to have it there. Do you want somewhere elsen?"

"No, California is fine. Wherever you want is where we'll have our home."

"I've been looking at houses." Alex says and I raise an eyebrow. "Hear me out, it's a house that's like one block from a beach. We could go to the beach on days off. Stuff like that babe."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, there's lots to think about. For now we'll continue living here in Orlando, way too sunny for my liking Orlando. But if you find a nice house that you like and that I like then maybe we'll buy a house."

"Okay. Sounds good."

I get up from the couch and walk to the kitchen to grab a bowl of fruit, then walk back as I grab my computer. Work never stops when you're an artist.

Dear, Natalie Acevedo.
We would like to discuss with you an upcoming project that we would like for you to be a part of. Please contact us through the same number you were given the last time.
Thank you.


"What's up? Something interesting?" Alex asks and I lean back, nodding my head. "What is it?"

"It's something. But it's work, I want to work on what I was sent through this email." I say.

Miss Acevedo,
I have been wanting to talk with you for an upcoming project with my client. We would like for you to be a part of it and have your guidance.

Miss Acevedo. It's not that anymore but what do they know.

I continue looking through my emails, messages, everything. Answering back to those who needed an answer asap. Focused on work while Alex watched whatever she was watching now.



"Did you know that Taylor and Joe broke up like six months ago?" Alex asks, I lift my head up from my computer screen. "I'm going to take that as a no. Check Twitter."

I quickly log onto my account as I scroll to find Taylor's account.

Taylor Swift @taylorswift13: We never found the right time to announce this but Joe and I have finally agreed to let this out and announce something important. Joe and I mutually split six months ago. I have nothing but love and respect for Joe as we continue to be a part of each other's lives. But our journey has come to an end as a couple. Please respect our privacy as we continue on with our lives separately.

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