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A/N: it's still technically 12/13 for me hehe by one minute. Soooo... Happy Birthday to Taylor Swift! 🥳 and enjoy this almost 8600 word chapter ❤️

Tobin's POV

"Okay is everyone ready?" I ask.

Hayley and I invited the girls over to watch the documentary again, along with some of the national team players who had come over to visit.

We're not obsessed or anything. Just fans. Big fans.

"Press play already!" Hayley shouts.

I press play and lay back on the couch.

The beginning starts with Taylor walking towards a room.

"Aren't you tired of it all?"  Was said in the background by Natalie.

Taylor opened a door and walked in.

"What are you doing?" Taylor asks Natalie who's sitting on a couch in what seems to be their studio.

"I'm trying to figure out the song you gave me. The one from last night. I thought we could get it done tonight." Natalie says as she looked up.

"You should take a break. You just finished your first tour, after having gone on tour the year before with me. That's an exhausting what three years? Come on let's go see where mom and Austin are."

"Is Selena here already?"

"Not yet and thank goodness because if she found out you were down here she'd kill you and then me. You're not supposed to be working."

"It's not working if I consider it something I love doing." Natalie says with a grin.

"Come on, we can go make food. I'm getting hungry." Taylor says as she looks down at Natalie.

"So you can make Brussels sprouts and cauliflower? Pass. I hate veggies."

"No, you hate Brussels sprouts and cauliflower."

"You used to make it good now it lacks emotion, love, and actual motivation to cook."

"Probably because every time I cook, you complain about it."

"I just want something that you put effort into."

"I hate you. Now give me a piggyback ride to the living room." Taylor says as she helps Natalie get up from the couch.

"So you can hit your head on the door frame? Absolutely not."

"It was one time."

"And thank god I wasn't responsible that time." Natalie says with a chuckle. "Also in what mind do two tall people try to get on top of each others shoulders? Stupid."

"Don't start."

"I love bringing it up though."

"Oh I know."

The scene ends as they walk to their living room.

Big bold numbers appeared on the screen.


"Tay! Taylor! ALISON where's the blue sweatshirt!" Natalie shouts from the other side of the hallway.

"On the bus!" Taylor shouts back. 

The camera focuses on Natalie who runs away, the camera is then focused on Taylor who was talking to someone.

You couldn't tell who it was but Taylor nodded and smiled as she looked at the other end of the hallway. She then mumbled something but you couldn't make out what she had said.

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