Request #1-Dave Grohl smut

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It's the Nirvana oneshot book all over again

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It's the Nirvana oneshot book all over again

Y/N finally gets to see her boyfriend Dave.he's been on tour with his new band,Foo Fighters,so they've been on a long distance relationship.after secretly working something out,Y/N gets to surprise Dave by showing up to the band's last tour stop.

Y/N's pov
"He missed you a lot Y/N."Allison,Taylor's wife said.(quick A/N this takes place in 2005 ok back to the fic)Cara nodded in agreement,were backstage watching the guys perform their second to last song."wait till you see this."Cara said excitedly,as she said that the guys finished playing monkey wrench.we cheered along with the huge crowd,"so,I'm sure you guys are aware that this is our last stop.after these,we get to finally go back home."Dave spoke into the mic.some people in the audience cheered while others didn't,"and I'm sure you're also aware that I miss my girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N a lot."he said.I blushed,Allison and Cara looked at me excitedly."so,as always,this is for her."Dave said,he then proceeded to play Everlong.I blushed and widened my eyes,"he...dedicates Everlong to me?"i asked.Allison nodded while Cara squealed and bounced up and down like a teenager at a concert,this got Pat's attention.

He saw me with Allison and Cara,he nearly stopped playing.Cara and I quickly put our fingers on our lips,gesturing to not tell Dave.he nodded and smiled,still playing his guitar.

And I wonder
If everything could ever feel this real forever
If anything could ever be this good again
The only thing I'll ever ask of you
You've got to promise not to stop when I say when

Taylor then proceeded to play an insane drum solo,which made Allison cheer loudly.he noticed her(but not me)and blew a kiss at her before quickly getting back to practically destroying his drum set,"thanks a lot you guys that was a good night!we'll see you guys soon,take care of yourselves."Dave said.I smiled,"that's my Dave,always caring about others."I thought."DAVE!"I screamed,trying to get in attention.Pat noticed me trying to get Dave's attention,so he quickly rushed over to him and patted his shoulder,pointing at me and saying something.Dave turned around and saw me,I was eagerly grinning.his eyes widened,he dropped his guitar and rushed over to me.

He practically hug tackled me when he got to me,Allison and Cara ran over to Taylor and Chris."I missed you so fucking much."Dave mumbled into my neck,I gently brushed his hair with my hand."I missed you too Davey."I called him by his nickname,we then proceeded to kiss."next time we go on tour you're coming with me."he said in between kisses,"I promise."I managed to say."alright lovebirds let's go celebrate!"Taylor cheered,his arm snaked around Allison's waist."you guys can go celebrate,Y/N got some catching up to do."Dave said,I widened my eyes and blushed.usually when Dave says that it's code for:I'm going to fuck you until the sun rises.

He held my hand and we ran off,Dave led me past some people and we eventually ended up in a room."this is the room where we usually hung out until it was time to hit the stage."Dave explained as he closed the door,I looked around as he locked the door.I noticed a Polaroid picture of me and Dave on one of our dates near an area that was messy,"this is clearly Dave's station."I thought.I felt Dave's warm hands snake underneath my shirt,I felt him kissing my neck gently and slowly."god I missed this body."he whispered,i gulped and blushed.he spun me around and gently pushed me down onto the couch that was in the room,he quickly got on top of me and we began to make out.we wasted no time in taking off our clothes,Dave quickly unclasped my bra and threw it somewhere.

He immediately began to suck on one of my boobs,I moaned as he occasionally bit my nipple.his other hand,which was playing with my other boob,was slowly sliding down to my tights."no underwear?"he asked as he got down in between my thighs,"th-that was a surprise for you baby."I admitted.he smirked,"god I fucking love you."he said.he ripped open my tights and immediately began to eat me out,I arched my back and moaned,holding onto his long sweaty's been so long since we did it,I forgot how amazing it all felt.I could feel something building up,"D-Dave!"I moaned.he immediately sat up and quickly pulled down his pants,his dick sprang out of his boxers.he grabbed one of my legs and put them on his shoulder before thrusting into me,I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head as I moaned loudly and immediately came.

"We're not done yet,in fact we're just getting started."he said as he began to thrust in and out of me,I tried to speak but all that came out were moans.everyone outside could probably hear us but I didn't care,I fucking missed this.Dave quickly pulled out of me and sat me up.he turned me around,my back on his chest,and quickly thrusted back into me again.I moaned,tears streaming down my cheeks as he kissed my neck and thrusted in and out of me."your moans are music to my ears."he growled,I felt him snaking his hand down my body and making its way down below.I moaned as he began to quickly rub my clit,"C-Coming!"I moaned."that's right Y/N come for me,I wanna see you come."he whispered into my ear,he bit down on my shoulder.

I shook as I moaned loudly and came,but I knew that it wasn't over until Dave came.he pushed me down onto the couch and held my ass up as he continued to thrust in and out of me,"this is all mine,no one else's."he growled as he smacked my ass.I let out a moan,"you like that don't you baby?"he asked.I felt embarrassed to even say anything,he lifted my neck up."I wanna hear those sweet moans."he said,"D-Dave!"I moaned.I was going to come for the third time,I wasn't sure how long I was going to last."S-Shit,I'm coming!"he groaned,he held onto my waist tightly as his thrusts got faster.I was probably going to have bruises on my sides but I didn't really give a shit,I was going to be sore no matter what.

He lifted me up again,my back against his chest.he squeezed my boob while covering my neck and shoulder in dark purple hickeys,"DAVE!"I moaned."Y/N!"he moaned,we both came at the same time.we felt backwards onto the couch,panting and covering in sweat(and other things).Dave slowly pulled out of me,cum immediately oozed out."sorry about that,and that."he said,pointing out my hickeys and the already forming bruise on my hips.this is what I loved about Dave,he can be both caring and sexy at the same time."It-It's ok."I assured him,he grabbed a towel(that I assume is his)and gently cleaned me up.I noticed him looking at my now bruised sides,"hey..."I said as I gently lifted his head up.he looked at me,"it's ok,I'm fine.and besides,you really missed me."i said.he smirked,he sat up and gently kissed me.

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