Locking eyes-Taylor Hawkins

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The following Taylor Hawkins oneshots are for u blondiepepper

Y/N's pov
"I can't believe Dave got rid of William Goldsmith."my best friend Y/BF/N(your best friend's name)whined."maybe it was for the best?"I tried to console her,she scoffed."he was a badass drummer,I bet this Hawkins guy is gonna suck."she complained,"Y/BF/N,he was the drummer for Alanis Morissette."I reminded her.suddenly the lights changed color,"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ARE YOU READY TO FUCKING ROCK?!"we heard Dave yell.I cheered along with some other people,while Y/BF/N just rolled her eyes and crossed her eyes.Dave,Pat,Nate,and Taylor jogged on stage.I blushed when I saw Taylor,I've never seen pictures or videos of him until now.I gotta say,he's gorgeous.

"Oh my god are you serious Y/N?"she asked."what?!he's really hot."i said,she groaned and rolled her eyes.I ignored her and looked back at Taylor:and that's when it happened,Taylor suddenly turned his head and we locked eyes.I blushed and quickly looked away,but when I slowly looked back he was still looking at me while playing.I felt like I was being hypnotized as we looked at each other,it was as if we were having a telepathic conversation with each other.




"Hello!Earth to Y/N!"Y/BF/N yelled,snapping and waving her hand in front of my face.I blinked quickly and snapped back into reality,the concert was over."come on Y/N,let's go h-"suddenly a security guard came up to us."ma'am,you need to come with me."he said to me,"why?"Y/BF/N asked him."the band would like to see you."he replied,"more like Taylor wants to see me."I thought."O-Ok."I stuttered,"I'll see you at home Y/N,I've had enough for the night."Y/BF/N said.I said goodbye to her and followed the security guard backstage,he led me down a hall and past some crew.we stopped by a door and he knocked on it,"Mr.Hawkins,I brought the woman you were talking about."he said.

The door quickly swung open,he saw me and we both blushed."thanks man,I appreciate it."he said to the guard,he nodded and walked off.I gulped as I went into the room,Taylor closed the door behind me.

I might turn this into a fic!

I might turn this into a fic!

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