Learn to surf-Taylor Hawkins

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Haha I'm so clever

Instead of learn to fly I wrote learn to surf

Tee Hee


God I'm immature😂

Y/N's pov




"No T."

"Ahhh come on babe it'll be fun!"my boyfriend Taylor and I were currently at the beach for a date,it was a miracle that nobody was coming up to us and asking for autographs or pictures.I guess people do respect boundaries,anyways he was trying to convince me to surf with him.I was sitting on our blanket reading while he was surfing,"Taylor,I can't swim."I reminded him."I'll be with you the whole time."he assured me,his long wet hair was dripping all over the blanket and my thighs.I sighed,"ok fine,"I said as I put the book down.I got up,"but if I drown you're paying for the funeral."I said."You're not gonna drown beauty,not on my watch."he assured me,he grabbed his board and my hand and led me towards the water.

I got on the board and sat on it nervously while Taylor held onto the back of the board and pushed it."alright Y/N now once you see the wave you gotta slowly stand up,understand?"he instructed,I gulped and nodded.I then saw a small little wave,it seemed harmless enough so I slowly stood up."there you go!"Taylor cheered,I smiled."see that Isn't so-"I then felt myself losing balance,"WOAH WOAH WOAH TAY-"I fell off the board and into the water.I widened my eyes and tried my best to hold my breath and swim back up,I felt someone grabbing my wrist and pulling me up to the surface.I gasped and for air and coughed out some water,Taylor swam me back to shore,abandoning his surfboard.

"Shit!Y/N sweetheart are you ok?"he asked,cupping my cheeks.I quickly nodded,"god I'm so stupid!you told me that you didn't want to surf,and yet I didn't listen."he said.


"Dave's right,I never listen!"


"I could've gotten you killed!"

"Oliver Taylor Hawkins!"I yelled,getting his attention.he looked at me,I noticed tears in his eyes and knew that it wasn't ocean water,my heart broke seeing him sad."oh T..."I said,I gently hugged him."it's ok Tay,I'm right here."i said as he hugged me back,"I'm so sorry..."he whispered.I gently kissed his cheek and rested my head on top of his shoulder,"at least you tried to teach me to surf,it's just...not for everyone."i said.I pulled away from the hug and cupped his cheeks,leaning my forehead against his.he put his hands on my wrists,"I love you."he whispered."I love you more."I whispered back,he gently kissed me.

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